Online: paulybronco, Nilo

Thundermax problems???

  • Vic
    8 years ago

    Have read that a few on here had had problems with there Thundermax tuners?????

    I've got the 309-350 auto tune on mine.

    I'm having a few problems with the bike (07 springer) that started happening a week or so ago and wanted to know if any of my symptoms matched those who'd had problems with theres.

    Starting from cold, for the first few K's it's on/off like it's running on 1 then 2 then back onto 1etc then seems to clear and run fine.

    I'll stop somewhere for half an hour, take off and it'll do the same, then come good. That was untill today when it came good but 30k's down the road went back to cutting in out.

    I stopped for a while to let it cool down before turning around to hopefully get home. First 10k's or so still playing up then came good and managed to get her home.

    Took the readings from the tuner and it recomended needed to run the Auto tune, no suprise there, I'd been doing this over the past week (3 or 4 times) since it's been running like shit.

    Normally only run the auto tune once or twice till it recomends it's not needed.

    The other thing it's been doing now and then for a while now is the speedo hangs at 20 /30k when the bikes off and not running, unplug the speedo and it resets itself no problem, ok for a while then it'll do it again out of the blue.

    I put new plugs in it yesterday, so plugs arent the problem, checked the leads,  there ok, spark seems to be ok and had a go at checking the coils, not sure I did this correctly.

    So I'm thinking it's either the thundermax unit causing all the problems or it's a coil going bad intermittently and the speedo thing is a unrelated problem, quite possible those two arn't related.

    Apologies for the long post but it's doing my head in.


    Should add that I don't have the original ecm to try.

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    I've seen all this before , no coincidence on 2007 bikes. Due to "age" now these units are becoming electrically troublesome. No T Max in Australia prior to 2007 , no need , we were a "carby" country...

    In the cases I've worked on ( EXACT same symptoms as yours !) , the guys still had the stock ECM and O2 sensors , you will have neither it sounds.

    Also stock ECM's are close to model year specific , a bit like speedometers. From memory they can do across 2 or 3 years ??

    After "popping" the original ECM and sensors back in ( labour intensive but you get that !) I tuned their bikes with either original SERT, TTS or Supertuner Pro , none have had problems since

    I have a spare stock 2007 ECM that you can try if need be , and O2 sensors , but you will have trouble with the relationship to the TSSM/alarm on the bike as the units are not "married"

    I read a couple of years back on a US forum , some citizen had worked out how to get the units to pair up WITHOUT the dealer digitech computer , I'm sure you can web search that thread

    PM me for contact details , I'm in Perth's northern suburbs
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago

    I handed my wife a tmax 309 340 only a few days back for a charity auction coming up. I think she has someone lined up who wants it, but he's a fucking cocksag so I'd be more than happy to step on his toes.
    If it fits and you want to try it let me know. You pay post (both ways if it doesn't work for you) and if it works throw me $20 so I can give it to her, or pay to have a fake testicle made for the one she'll probably remove it the night <img data-cke-saved-src=

    It's just the box part (ECU?) without any cables or auto tune etc

  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago

    Best advice I can give you is get rid of that biggest overpriced piece of shit tuner & replace it with a more reliable brand. I had problems with mine from the get go, over a 3 year period. I ended up having a Sceaming eagle tuner fitted about 15 months ago, with no issues since. 

    Honestly I'm surprised they (TMax units) are still being sold, given their unreliability.

  • Vic
    8 years ago

    Cheers for the reply's fellas, from what you've said retroman it sounds as though the unit is on the way out. Will pm you about the original ecm.
    In the long run I'll probably get rid of it all together but for now it's hard to knock back Bonkerz offer, to see if it changes anything.

    Bonkerz, I'll take you up on your very generous offer mate, PM me your bank details and I'll grab it, if it does me no good
    I can always forward it to someone else in need of one.
    Mines got the auto tune 309-350 and it sits on top of the 309-340 so I'm guessing they're a 2 part unit.
    Hope you don't lose a testie over the sale Bonkerz! What's that song "one is the loneliest number" :-).

    Sounds like you had a shit of a run with yours 06 softail, I've certainly heard of a few with problems.

  • 98fxstc
    8 years ago

    Not sure about 07

    I have an 09 dyna and there is a procedure in the diagnostic manual for marrying a replacement ecm to existing speedo and TSSM

    takes about an hour and you want battery charged (and on charger) and headlight disconnected

    then you can start and ride the bike

    but you really want an ecm out of an 07 springer or the base cal and specs in the ecm will be different

    then you need a trip to the dealer to use the Digital Technician to tell the ecm its a 07 springer

    5 minute job

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Vic, I've been in and out of work all day and going back in now, so I'll track it down either tonight (if someone's at the office where the stuff is being held) or in the morning.
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Best to try the replacement T max unit if you can , makes sense.

    The 2007 Dyna ECM ( same as yours !) is available to try if and when you need

    This was taken out of a 2007 Dyna on PDI when the dealer fitted a T-Max to the new bike

    I offered it up to a 2007 Heritage a couple of years ago , then we came across the "dealer Digitech" requirements so went no further.
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Got the tmax. Everyone was happy to see me there "helping" :P I'll fire you off a PM soon Vic.
  • Vic
    8 years ago

    Thanks for the info 98 fxstc will come in handy if the replacement doesn't work.

  • Hywayman
    8 years ago

    g'day Vic, i'm having similar problems with similar symptoms with my 2005 Ultra, Thundermax replaced my original module free of charge but now i have starting issues with the speedo registering same as you. They advised that my original & the new replacement had no issues starting their test bikes, so i've assumed it was a problem with my bike but now, after reading your posts, i'm thinking different. Interested to know your outcome.

  • Vic
    8 years ago

    So got Bonkerz unit on and wiped the old map and settings off and loaded another base map.
    She fired straight up. Only took her for a half hour run but none of the problems I've been having showed up.
    Will take it for a good run next weekend and see how we go, but so far so good.
    I'm starting to get the hang of plugging a bike into a laptop for tuning but think I still prefer the old carbs lol.


    Hywayman have you tried loading different base maps for yours, remembering when you do, you have to clear the old one first?

    First thing I found after fitting this module was that she seemed to start a lot easier.

    Big thanks goes to Bonkerz! Helped me out big time!


  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
  • Hywayman
    8 years ago

    g'day Vic, pleased your onto a fix

    The second module that TM supplied had my original map already loaded & when i emailed them they suggested to try a different map that was close to the original. I did this but was not aware i had to clear the old one first? Just had a look & can't see how to do this? Thanks

  • Vic
    8 years ago
    Should of been a little clearer about that Hywayman. This is what it says in the manual "please remember to clear all of the offsets from the module’s
    previous Base Map, and double check the Basic Settings."

    Then when you've loaded the new base map remember you have to Re-initialize
    the module by cycling the ignition switch 3 times (min 30 seconds each time) for the IAC-TPS to find its home
    It's covered in pages 21 to 29 in the manual.
    Hope this helps.
  • tussuck
    8 years ago

    Does it have the Autotune as well? I think you also have to let the idle temps bed in as well.


    AND more importantly you are all sorted now for when you install the Turbo as the Thundermax supports them very well!

  • Hywayman
    8 years ago

    Thanks Vic, i think i'll go back to the start & do as you suggest. I have tried re-initializing but made no difference. Also checked basic settings & noticed that "compression release is activated" even thought the bike does not have ACRs. 

  • Hywayman
    8 years ago

    Yep it does have the Autotune which works very well......once i get it to start