SE stage 3 or 4 upgrade

  • Illustrated_Man
    8 years ago

    I know its been asked before but i want some fresh answers. 

    I will be upgrading to either stage 3 or 4 but cant decide which one.  I want to still be able to do long trips but also want the extra hp and torque. So i still want a bike thats rideable. Its a 2011 softail which will be 96-103 and i want to get to around 110 hp and similar in torque but not sure if i can achieve this with the stage 3 kit? 

    My gut tells me go straight for the stage 4. Then comes the exhaust decision!!

    2 into 1 will obviously flow better and give better results but its fuckin hard to find a decent looking set of pipes that dont have that jap look. The v&h big rad 2into1 looks ok bUt does it sound good? If iI leave my 2 into 2 pipes on will there be that much difference in power loss?

    Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Hi. Standard heads will limit you to 100hp max. Lots of stage 2 103 bikes with a cam change making around 110 torque.
  • Illustrated_Man
    8 years ago

    Thanks fat.

    The stage 4 has ported heads so it should push to around 110hp yeah?

  • Ando
    8 years ago
    Fark the SE StageIV build your own 107 and gat what ya after, have your stock heads worked, Stock barrels bored and pick a cam and set up to that

    Then go and bet up on a stageIV
  • Ando
    8 years ago
    PM'd ya my number give me a call
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Where are you located? Ando's advice is worth listening to
  • Illustrated_Man
    8 years ago

    ando I got ya message mate and will give you u a buzz tomorrow. Thanks guys.


  • Ando
    8 years ago