Chasing #45 slow jet for CV40

  • Sancheezy
    8 years ago

    Looking to buy a #45 pilot jet for Keihin CV40. Required for a 1996 XL1200S. Had no luck asking around at local bike shops (NW Sydney / Hills District). 

    Any help would be grouse. 


  • Sancheezy
    8 years ago
    Awesome thanks mate.
  • daddyracer56
    8 years ago

    i have'm in stock or i have proper jet  drills too take your's to #46 also work's well depends on muffler's & exh system , have too clean fuel tank & cock etc before jetting carb 1st or you be just chasing your tail around cheers Bob

  • Sancheezy
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the heads up Bob. I ended up getting hold of a #48 on advice from the guys at P&L in Toongabbie.

    Pulled it all apart yesterday, cleaned everything from the petcock downstream, replaced all 3 seals on the manifold and pulled my hair out trying to get the manifold, carb and AF all lined back up properly.
    A couple of leaky attempts before I got it right and now she's running better than I've seen her.

    Trying to access everything, particularly the manifold bolts, without a proper workshop and tools is a pain in the arse.