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Problem 1988 Harley Sportster wont start

  • AlHD48
    8 years ago

    Hi All 

    I went for a ride yesterday with a mate, he stoped at my place for a moment and then his bike wouldnt start. 

    its quite strange , he would have power then goes to start it and all you hear is a loud click. ( maybe ignition switch is faulty . there is power in the battery and power to the starter. 

    any help would be appreciated. 

    Also the wiring on the bike looks like crap , could be that , not really sure 

  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    Check the battery voltage. A non-starter with a click like that is a good symptom of a buggered regulator thats not charging the battery up. It would have enough juice to start and then run fine off the battery for a couple of hours but then nothing.
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the advice guys . Battery is good and power to the starter.

    I think.the worong is stuffed . Rusted etc

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    tell me to pull my head if you want.when the start button is pressed and the click occurs what is the voltage reading at the starter terminal [ on the starter body]?
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    Hi brue not sure . We ripped out the battery and have put it on charge will try again tonight
  • shadowarrior
    8 years ago
    If you can hear the click noise (two rapid ones to be precise), that's the sound of the starter switch sending the smaller current to the solenoid, solenoid engaging (first click) but not being able to draw enough higher current from the battery hence disengaging (second click). I would check battery, battery connections. What happens if you swap your battery with his and check if it starts? I think his battery has reached end of life. If charging your friend's battery still didn't fix it, swap your battery for a second to eliminate battery being the problem. My $1 is on the battery.
  • fmacdonald
    8 years ago
    Have you tried jumper leads to a car, with the larger battery it should start first go if the battery is the issue
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    we tested the battery again looks like it has plenty of power . its got 380 col cranking amp , apparently thats better than some car batterys ( according to my mate)

    so im stumped, he is picking it up on saturday in a van and going to trouble shoot it , started , wires etc ,
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    we tested the battery again looks like it has plenty of power . its got 380 col cranking amp , apparently thats better than some car batterys ( according to my mate)

    so im stumped, he is picking it up on saturday in a van and going to trouble shoot it , started , wires etc ,
  • Pedro123
    8 years ago
    I remember a bike around that time sitting in a workshop (frasers) which did the same thing, although it was intermitant. The problem ended up being the satrter solenoid itself. Just a thought!
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    sure enough put the battery on charge , installed it back and boom it turned over .

    strange it died the way it did