Whats happened to bike guys?

  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago

    So I binned my bike yesterday, low speed but still banged it up pretty well and left it unrideable.. It was on a fairly heavily travelled road, petrol and oil pretty much everywhere.

    4 police cars slowed, took a look and drove on, 1 park ranger, same story.
    But worse..

    20+ motorcycles (a majority Harleys) rode past gawking at me, not a single one stopped to see if things were ok, WTF? Not a single hey dude you ok.. not effing one. 
    I mean I always make a habit if I can if I see a bike on the side of the road, Ive even stopped when I came across a patched HA guy, it WHAT YOU DO when you ride, maybe I was raised differently, Motorcycling is not a cute weekend thing for me, its my life.

    Unbeleivable. Crazy

  • walka
    8 years ago

    i would off stopped for you, then probaly pinch your wallet while you lay on the ground 

  • Bilko
    8 years ago
    I guess it all depends on the situation, if you've got a bunch of people with you I wouldn't stop. If you were alone and looked like you needed help, definitely i'd stop.

    What condition were you in? Did anyone help?

    Each time I've needed help people have stopped, cars and bikes. However I've not been shy in flagging people down.

    Mate had a severe off in Tasmania last year, required CPR and is now a quadriplegic. I was astounded at how many people stopped and helped, maybe one or two drove past. Everyone else asked if they could help.
  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    I would have stopped bro

    You know it's illegal to go past a broken down boat
    If your on the water
  • 308bever
    8 years ago
    what the fark is wrong with this world? i`d have stopped Mow, you ok?
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Yeah, you alright mate?
  • Ric
    8 years ago
    I can happily say that I always stop and check if a bike is stopped on the side of the road.

    It only takes a few seconds to check if they are ok or need a hand and 90% of the time you are back on your way again.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    i would only stop if emergency services are not on the scene.. to be honnest i would probably just get in the way...
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    That's not good mate, I would have stopped. Hope you are back riding again soon
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago


    That seems strange.

  • chriso
    8 years ago
    You were not raised difrently mate. Just assholes passing you that day..

    Anyone that passes a downed rider in need of help is a dog
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    hope your ok mr mow,cannot work out the slack attitudes of people in general today.for those who did not stop ,i hope they reflect on that when one day they need a little help .
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    It's the exception rather than the rule when you find people who care about others these days sadly
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    thats it fb.
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Sorry to hear MM. Which bike was it? 

  • Stel
    8 years ago
    I'd stop for you or for anyone that needs assistance.
    Last year came off my bike in heavy rain - ended on my back in the middle of the road with my bike 20 meters in front of me. About a dozen cars drove by with no one stopping to see if I was ok...
    Its sad that a lot of people have lost their sense of caring for others but hopefully they're plenty of decent people left in this world.

    Hope you're ok

  • Methuselah
    8 years ago
    I don't get other riders going past a single rider who has dropped his bike. I always stop to help out. The only thing I can think of is you had it standing up and just looked like you were having a break?
  • bobby bob
    bobby bob
    8 years ago
    I think it's more of a generational thing and that a big percentage of younger riders from the digital age are PISS WEAK FUCKIN GAY! and wouldn't even show their granny a short cut to the shithouse coz most are selfish faggots.
  • keith
    8 years ago
    I'm not surprised that bike's passed on by you, different generation out there sad to say, the one's that would stop for a look and post a pic on Facebook or tweet there bum buddy's.
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    Yeah, maybe next time put a pic of your plight up on Facebook and Twitter ... that might break through to the current 'it's all about me generation' but then again maybe not. I recall some stories in recent times about the turds that stop to take pics of someone in trouble and get in the way of those there to help. Grubs.

    I would have stopped. I owe a couple of people who stopped to help me one. Karma is important. For what it's worth, when I had issues on the side of the road in Qld last September, I had an elderly couple stop to ask if all was ok, and a Truckie gave me a helping hand when needed. There are still plenty of good ones out there!
