Portable trailer speed cameras QLD, Bruce Hwy

  • Methuselah
    8 years ago

    Just a heads up for the guys heading north out of Brisbane on the Bruce Highway, there's one been hidden behind the barrier in the middle under the new overpass 2 klm north of Anzac Avenue (before the Boundary Rd roadworks).

    I bet these things start turning up everywhere soon. There's been a test unit sitting on Riawena Rd Coopers Plains for a while now (the one in the photo) so it must have been a success for the cunts.

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Are they manned? You'd have to expect they would be as otherwise they'd be wrecked or even funnier driven away
  • Methuselah
    8 years ago
    Naw, just sitting there like a roadwork trailer Fatbat. By the time you realise what it is it's too late. I hope some enterprising persons spray paint all the screens black and let the tyres down hahaha
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Great -- a Christmas present from the Qld Government to you! At least they aren't hidden, like the Victoria government loves to litter the landscape with. It's all for our safety you see. Really.
  • Huckleberry
    8 years ago

    It's double demerit down here in NSW till 02/01/17, at least you Queenslanders don't have that to worry about.

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    Got these shots on Smith Street Motorway

    not doing much in the positive policing metholds

  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Not sure how long it will be there but there is one at Blacksoil on the Warrigo Hwy near the Caltex .
  • Bucky15
    8 years ago
    It was gone this morning. It's not anywhere within the 80/100 km area through Blacksoil.
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Yaeh i saw that the Blacksoil one has gone ... anyone out there know the where abouts of the 3 trailer speed cams at the moment .

    Went onto the Queensland Mains road / Police site and typed in mobile speed cameras in Queensland ... Phark there is about 3,500 of the bloody things ... i am pretty sure they are refering to the ones where they are in a Van or are Hand held .

    Would be nice to know where those New 3 Trailer ones are though .

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    PS You cant miss them....big yellow fuckers

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    according to the Police media conference this morning, they have 5 of the units, the results from them over the last week or so was very good, of the volume of traffic, they did pick up speeders but (I cant remember the exact number) very minimal in numbers.




    over the xmas period

    monitored 1.2 million vehicles with a speeding caught rate of .33%

    they will be moved to somewere else in the next couple days

  • fatslim
    8 years ago
    That's 3,960 tickets, good revenue maker.
    Not bad for a weeks sitting about.
  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    I was thinking that was not to bad but as you put it that way, 3960 people that could have decided to save themselves a few dollars but considered the Qld. Government needed it more than they did

  • BDA103
    8 years ago

    Are they forward facing only?

  • Maeltroll
    8 years ago
    The one at Anzac ave has been relocated to the pine rivers bridge at bald hills. just on the south end of the bridge.
  • FONTANA302
    8 years ago

    There's one on the Pacific Motorway just near the Holland Park West Busway stop.


    It will get you going SOUTH (i.e. out of Brisbane CBD) as you just start going up the rise around about where Sterculia Ave is heading towards the Klumpp Road Off ramp.

    If you know where the fixed speed camera is that get's you going north (i.e. in to Brisbane CBD) near the Marshall road on ramp, it's not far south from there in the middle of the motorway.



  • Jayman6
    8 years ago
    There was one on M1 Sth just before exit 85 Reedy Creek, disappeared last week after 3 weeks of service.