Online: GGUser260, Rextheute2022

What have I done wrong

  • Hoodeng
    8 years ago

    The Loctite range is this for fasteners , 222 is screw lock for small diameter screws ans in panel retention etc ,242 general fastener retention ,light to medium load ,262 stud and heavier load retention ,272 similar to 262 with higher temp capability,Wick in for use with pre assemblies and casting porosity.
    The next line is retention application ,609 for general bearing and sleeve retention .641 more tolerance range than 609.635 slow cure for tapers etc ,good for anything that needs post application adjustment .620 high temp high strength ,guides , rod races/bushes etc .680 liquid welding ,if its not coming apart again this is the one! use with extreme caution .7471 primer ,used when shorter cure time is required.567 general oil fitting assembly.2422 medium strength high temp , Harley in chamber compression releases.

    The wrenches from the bottom are ,600lb 3/4"drive Blue Point ,for heavy fit crankshaft assembly [S&S] .300lb 3/4"drive Warren&Brown ,general crankshaft assembly .Next right ,Williams 180lb 1/2"drive left and right ,general fasteners .Next left , Snap On 3/8"drive left and right {don't use this one much now} .Next right, Warren&Brown 3/8"drive left and right digital with ° {used most now for general assembly}. Next right ,Sykes Pikavant 3/8"drive left and right ,general assembly {was my most used for years ,worn a couple out ,still used regularly }. Next right 'old Warren&Brown 200lb 1/2" drive ,still used and accurate {i'd like a dollar for every fastener this thing has turned!} .Next right ,Warren&Brown inch pound wrench ,left and right , all fasteners requiring this range {thinking of replacing it with a digital,but not really necessary}. At the top a Norbar torque multiplier ,5:1 , requires very careful setup and use to use safely , i got this to do the very high torque crank fasteners like the old nitro cranks {if not treated with respect will send parts flying like a cannon shot} i repeat again use with respect.
    All the wrenches are checked by the Norbar man every couple of years for calibration ,all still good.

  • daddyracer56
    8 years ago

    Hi i have mine re calibrated every 2 yrs , did i spell that right after a few drinks Merry Xmas fella's


  • Kato
    8 years ago



    Thanks for such an inforamtive post - i always appreciated the Locktite brand but now so much moreso

    I only thought they had the Locktite Blue and Red ( 243 and 263 from memory) available

    Loved the photo of all the torque wrences too

    Thansk again (oh yeah Merry Xmas too)



  • groover
    8 years ago
    Always liked the Warren and Brown distortion bar type of tension wrenches.

    Don't trust them micrometer Chinese shit.
  • Hoodeng
    8 years ago
    The fact you are using a torque wrench in the first place is paramount, irrespective of its manufacturer full stop.Confirmation of accuracy is as easy as running it against a known standard.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Warren and Brown brand seem to get good wraps, BUT do they work with left hand threads? By the look of em I'd guess not.

  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    Thank you