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How do you look after your hog? (Wash,wax,polish?

  • adadrian
    8 years ago

    I've just always used that sun wash stuff, but I was thinking I polish then wax my car why don't people/me do it to my Harley? It makes sense to wax my Harley and detail it as well.

    What do you guys do and what do you use to look after your Harley? What wash what wax etc?  I have a mate who never washes his Harley but the dealer does it for him when he services it. 

  • Illustrated_Man
    8 years ago
    I use a turtle wash and wax. Windex for chrome and silicone spray for leads etc. mr sheen works well. It I'm not sure on the long term effects on paint.
  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    Just bought a full Shine Mate Polisher kit with RO machine (removed EVERY swirl mark in my paint and it looks better than factory now!). Using Scholls products at the moment cause they came with the machine, although they are doing a great job. Will next try some ceramic coating on the paint to see how that lasts compared to Wax.

    Whatever you do, do NOT use cheap chit! Go to a pro shop and get the right gear for your paint (or the Dealer).

    I shop at
  • Bilko
    8 years ago

    Top of the line Meguiars for everything, wash, polish and wax. Works well and easy to come by. Wash before every ride and wax every couple months. Polish when needed, scuff marks and bug shit..

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    ct 18 truck wash for the initial soak,gets into the bugs,and then turtle wash.finish off with turtle"wax and dry "polishing with a micro fibre cloth in the shade.comes up odd times john deere ultra gloss on the paint and chrome + autosol on the alloy. if the alloy gets a bit of water spotting, a hit with a soapy steel wool pad brings it well while washing,then the autosol,bit of work but looks good
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Microfibre cloth which I wet once. Unless it's filthy then I wet it a few times. If the chrome looks like shit I use purple polish. It's been a year since I bought the bottle though and I still haven't used it.
  • Spook
    8 years ago
    CT18 and rain water.
  • Stevef
    8 years ago
    Autoglym bike wash and their polish. Maguiars high tech yellow wax comes up very nice