High Bars fine

  • Cam1884
    8 years ago

    Hi all,

    I got pulled over few days ago in Sydney by a bored cop for my 16" high baller handlebars, he said they are above shoulder level and gave me an infringmet for defective steering $325 and 3 points.

    Now im aware my bars are over the 380mm level but is that a normal fine for this? Anyone been done for the same as I see so many harleys with the same bars? Thanks

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the forum, width is also a target with a simular infringement.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    did he pull you over cause of speeding etc ?? havent heard of people getting points for a defect ... although i did hear that if you get defected 3 times for the same offense they will cancel your rego ..
  • Cam1884
    8 years ago
    No I wasn't speeding or anything else. He just pulled me over because he saw my bars. He said he's not going to defect me but just give me an infringement.
  • limpn
    8 years ago

    so you didnt get a yellow sticker just a fine for having those bars and informed to change them ???


  • Cam1884
    8 years ago
    no yellow sticker just the fine haha
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago

    Bored cop? Sounds like Chief Wiggum was running a bit short for the Xmas slush fund.

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    yeah thats whats confusing me.. he gave you a fine for a defective non complicenced vehicle but yet let you ride off with out a defect to rectify the issue.. not sure if this dude is trolling .
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    It must have all happened in the Burger King carpark!.

    Is there really any rules/laws for what your handlebars should be or not be?

    Last thing the cops around here would think of possibly booking you for.

  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    Assholes have nothing better to do. Theres people selling drug. Gangs etc but no handlebars thats going to make australia safe
  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago

    And theres a minimum as well to stop the super skinny rabbit and lane splitter bars.

    Biggest issue is it seems to change state to state.

  • Cam1884
    8 years ago

    Mate wish I was trolling. But thats what happened. He told me he wont defect me but just give me an infringment. That is why im here trying to find out what others have been done for with similar bars.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Nice that you are not a troll Cam.

    You do seem to be in a strange position with your bars though. You could just pay the fine, then next time the cop sees you and fines you it will be double bummer.

    Or if you were feeling reckless you could just ignore the fine and wait till you go to court. Tell the bloke with the wig you did not fancy paying a fine if you were not given a defect notice because it does not make sense to get one without the other. There is a chance you will get off. Downside is the cop will have you on his unfinished business list after having his knuckles rapped.

    Cops can be quite two faced. I have been let off with a verbal warning only to recieve a court summons some time later which resulted in loss of license and VERY HEFTY fine. I was riding with another bloke on another bike who got the same warning but no summons.

  • Sparra
    8 years ago

    What was actually written on the notice???

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    thats just weird.. if its something that apparently is affecting steering of a vehicle then it should be taken off the road... yet he let you go with a fine.. lol never heard of that before...
  • Rossi73
    8 years ago

    I got done for the same, though he gave me the infringement and the defect.
    The infringement is for using a vehicle not complying with standards, defective steering

    (sorry cant seem to upload the pic straight)


  • limpn
    8 years ago
    spewing what an asshole..
  • Sparra
    8 years ago

    In that case you should pull out an allan key and roll your bars back down to legal height..Or have them tight enough to be safe but with some effort be able to move them and roll them back as you pull up...

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Or get yourself a set of "telescopic" handlebars.

  • mick44
    8 years ago
    I can tell you that in QLD they wear the little silver recorders, and even though you didn't get a canary. A legal direction has been recorded. If you got caught a second time, its nigh on impossible to fight a lawfull and legal direction by a cop in caught. You don't have to be actually fined and a warning is a legal direction. I know its bs, but you'd need very deep pockets to argue a legal direction in a court with out any real chance of winning. Doesn't even need the recording, just his note book entry if he warned or made a direction. The notebook entry is evidence no matter what the cop said.