Has anyone got a set of rockout or rocker lockers on the shelf that I can buy ?
I will order a new set to re-supply you, but would like to get hold of them ASAP to finish a job.
Fatslim, thanks for the call and the offer to help me out
I might still take you up on your offer, but for now I will attempt to make my own.
Here's a quick prototype I did today. Pretty happy I managed to get a small taper
The brass casing stock should be here tomorrow, which will make it a lot quicker than this one was.
Hi Hallze interested in buying a set of Rockouts for a upgrade i am doing if you still have any kits left. Thanks Cooch07
If anyone wants some rockouts I've got 4 or 5 sets sitting there. I got them in and split them up between a few of the fellas on here but hadn't got round to putting up an ad yet. I'll try and pull my finger out and put an ad in the for sale section soon.