Lower part of final drive belt hitting frame

  • Justo
    8 years ago

    I've tried a 70t and a 66t with. A short 135 and longer belt, But on the bottom, pretty much right on the swing arm, nothing. Will keep it from touching. Should I go chain? Try lowering bike? It's 240 right side drive prowler. I'll post pics tomorrow as phone is shit. Would a skateboard wheel work?



  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    It should not touch unless the tension is all wrong or the height of the rear is so low that its touch and go.
  • Justo
    8 years ago
    Nah that's it, never had this problem before. Might just go chain and sprocket. Could improvise a tensioner... other bikes with a softail style frame never have this problem.

    Should just shaft drive it up :P