Bike rego costs?

  • Bilko
    8 years ago

    Hey all. I currently live in Victoria, we are moving up to the Echuca/Moama region before the new year.

    What is the go with NSW rego? Transfering from Vic and costs? Bikes are 2015 Street Glide, 2013 CBR 250, and 2 dirt bikes with Vic Rec Reg. 


    I've googled it and it's suggesting $87 for each bike?? That can't be right?? I just paid $600!


    Car costs would be helpful too if anyone knows?

    Thanks :)




  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago

    Maybe it's $87 per year, coz I think NSW makes you get a RWC (or blue slip, or pink slip or sumpthin) every year.  Cars I think are just over double that cost, but I aint from NSW.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    It will be a nasty surprise, is my guess.

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Good thing he didn't listen to me then :) So they don't get a slip every year too...or they do? I was once told the only good thing about NSW is you can get your probationary license at 17...
  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    vehicals transferring from other states need blue slip or over 5 years need a blue slip inspection first , you will also need a green slip or CTP as its called thats from an Insurance company ,you can do that online shop around the are fucken rip off!s then off to the Service Center or RTA,, Pink slips are yearly after that ,If you have personal Plates be aware that to change them to NSW will also be an extra cost + an ongoing yearly payment I have chosen not to do this for as long as I can get away with it I came over from Perth a while back where there are no yearly inspections & a one off cost around $670 for my 2012 Roadking , here it would be Double + I have my van & trailer personal plate Fuck I would be looking at another $!200 a year Ass holes! so for $100/ year I have a mail redirection so far so good
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    transfering rego interstate will require a blueslip for nsw.. pretty much a complete inspection to make sure its all ADR legal .. (as it ran off the showroom) yes $87 a year for rego however in NSW we have a 3rd party CTP .. my bike CTP was about $690 all up it cost me about $1013 a year (i have custom plates which cost $220 a year)
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    And no parking on the footpaths. Perhaps Echuca is a better option? :P
  • brash
    8 years ago
    talk to Kev at monaland when you get CTP, looks after a lot of us.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Lots of Government ways to rip off the tax payer now. Has nothing to do with the fact that the countries finance's has been atrociously handled over the last Ten years.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    From what Limpin says it is about $800 to register a Harley in NSW with compulsory third party insurance.

    How much is it in Victoria?

    $593 to register one here, however they have this special interest rego you can get for a bike that is over 30 years old which costs 200 bucks a year on the condition you are supposed to ride the bike no more than 50 times per year.

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    If you're moving up to Echuca/Moama then I would really be trying for a place in Echuca. The twin towns are really different sizes and most stuff is on the much larger Echuca side meaning that if you live in Moama you end up travelling across the bridge to do most of your shopping and stuff.
  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    All up you will be paying 'about' the same as Vic for Rego/CTP/Insurance.
  • Bilko
    8 years ago
    Thanks everyone, busy organising ourselves. Sounds like Echuca will be the go but with rentals sometimes you have to take whats on offer.

    All in we have 2 cars, 5 bikes, a caravan and a trailer... Going to get very expensive doing the swap!

    Lets hope the Echuca places pan out!

    Thanks again.
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    NSW also introduced a 'MCIS levy' to look after the costs for those injured by a mongrel without insurance, or something like that. It's called a levy to distract you from the fact that it's really a tax. A levy goes away eventually; this one won't.

    If you have a licence, rego, CTP and compressive insurance you are effectively pay another tax to cover those that don't (and cause someone harm). On one hand I get it but on the other it's BS. Since its calculated on your CTP cost, the higher your CTP the higher the levy. I pay circa $900 a year rego for my HD. The MCIS makes up around $200 of that. And no discount from anyone for a single seat or great riding record.

    I had a go at someone asking why should I pay more when I do the right thing and already fork out for full comprehensive so cover any harm that I do. They just told me 'it's a NSW government levy that is compulsory.' Like talking do a brick.

    ACT and Qld were cheaper.