Victorian Harley Social Group

  • AlHD48
    8 years ago

    Hi All 

    I was wondering if there was any members out there who would be keen on forming a social club/ group where we would get together for a ride , grab a cup of coffee / have lunch , chat and have a good time. 

    Guys / girls all welcome 

    I was thiking to do this maybe every 3 weeks ? even is it is locally around melbourne.

    Any takers ? 

  • mickle
    8 years ago


    Don't need to start a new one, there are plenty out there.




  • AlHD48
    8 years ago

    Hi Mickle , like which ones , I am interested in joining some, I was thinking of starting a very casual one , not club meetings etc , 

  • AlHD48
    8 years ago

    yes mate just trying to get people together :) 

  • walka
    8 years ago
    this is a it