Online: Soapbox2627, WideglidingNZ

Oil bud oil coolers

  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago

    Anyone else thinkin of or using a oil bud oil oil temp gets to 130c on 30°c days just cruising at 60kph 

    Bike has 103 stage 4 race kit l.

  • speedzter
    8 years ago
    130c is more than I would be comfortable with.
    What does it do when cruising at highway speeds ?

    110c would be my comfortable limit without worrying too much.
    What I would like to know, is what temp' are you cylinder heads running at ?
    Buy a cheap IR gun and measure the head temp' near the spark plug.

    I run a Jagg 10 row side mount cooler, but the oil bud gets decent reviews.
  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago

    HWY speeds on 30+ days it reads at the tank temp gauge 117 


    Would the super tuner eng temp be same as measured with ir meter ?

  • speedzter
    8 years ago
    What temps are you logging with the super tuner ?
    The SEPST engine temp will be different than the IR gun, but will still give a good indication of how hot its running.
    How are you measuring the oil temp ?
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Any engine work,get some sort of oil cooler
  • speedzter
    8 years ago
    Check the calibration of your gauge in boiling water.
  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago
    Just a thought but would the engine benefit from a syn 20w60
    Currently runs syn3