Saddle bags

  • binnsy
    8 years ago

    Saw these Shark bags on special and albeit I am not a big saddlebag fan there are times when I wish I had some to stick stuff in and then be able to take em off and dump em in the shed.  I dont know much about fitment etc either so my question is, can I put these on the bike 07 fatboy, without any other fittings? ie drape them over the bike and then take em off again?  Sorry if its a silly question but so be it :-)  I know they are probably not the best I can buy but they will only be used on rare occasions.

    Thanks in advance and go easy on me.....


  • red_101au
    8 years ago

    Hey binnsy

    I also have shark saddle bags on my bike...

    I have them fitted solid to the racks but they have the zip on zip off section in the middle between the bags

    that allows you to just drape them over the seat or whatever...

    I dont know if yours are the same


  • punkin
    8 years ago
    Have a look down in the for sale section, there's a member making some really nice fitted bags for cheap.
  • punkin
    8 years ago

    Yes they are the ones i meant.