Online: Hilly


  • jocky
    8 years ago

    Had an anoying rattle on my bike for some time now,serousley has been driving me crazy for months.

    checked every thing on my bike that i could,ride after ride getting worse,then i start thinking that it was engine related

    ..begining to get worried thinking more dollars, took it to a shop they checked the engine ,said it was all ok,

    good because i like everyone else look after my bike very regular oil changes.

    Rattle was coming from the rear,so focused on that,

    Banged the tail light gently with my hand, sure enough the rattle was there, aaahhhaaaa, ive found the problem, so thinking somthing was loose inside

    started taking number plate/tail light off, fuck me found the problem alright,,,two cracks in my gaurd as you can see from the pics.

    any other dyna owners had this prob......jocky

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Not good at all, after having some first hand experience on riding SA/Vic roads and there condition and lack of maintenance, contributing factor ? They are enough to rattle 3 colour's of s#it out of man and machine. Good luck with the repairs.
  • jocky
    8 years ago
    yeah understand kieth SA does have some pretty crap roads,manhole covers are the main culprits, some are 2 to 3 inches below
    the road level ,hit them and you know all about it,
    But i can't help but think it is a design thing
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Under warranty? I'm guessing not. I read about this stuff - stress fractures - some people said number plate vibration. but most say poor design or manufacturing. I know a few people (in the US anyway) have had them replaced under warranty.
  • jocky
    8 years ago
    warranty,,,,that would be nice bonkers,don't like my chances , we'll see, because as you can see in the 4th photo the bracket that is under the guard is supposed to be welded ''sort of''
    to the guard.look at the left side and of that bracket and it is still welded but the guard and bracket are different shapes ''radius'' i think causing stress,enough vibrations and somthing
    has got to give,i suppose
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago

    Insufficient weld deposit holding bracket to guard, looks like they've ground the weld back too much and there has been stuff all holding it together, plus metal fatigue caused by vibrations and shit roads = end result.

  • jocky
    8 years ago
    yeah ,i agree 06 softail,,still a design thing for me ,,the bracket and guard are different radiuses, so there is stress at that point from day one.
    because when i tried to push it back , man it took some force, so like you said grind the weld back to much,the rest is history...jocky