Online: Ultramick

Port Victoria Ride Sat 18th Feb / 19th Feb 2017

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    Talk about a good night, and the ride, we will put that up later, my version of events and pics

    It's 09:10 and only Wendy and I are up for the 09:00 depart, I went to bed at 23:00 so the kick on must have come into play
  • ralphski
    8 years ago

    Finally home, arriving in a RAA truck from Pt. Victoria.....
    picked up Soapy and Wendy at Pt. Wakefield
    headed to Ardrossan to catch up with Graz and Pauline
    next stop Stansbury for lunch and a beers
    then onto The Howling Dog at Corny Point for fuel and beers
    final stop Pt Victoria. ( a couple off boys found out their top speed, flat out )
    few beers, bundys etc for the night.
    Wingers in bed at 9
    Bob is still trying to eat his boot leather steak.

    BUT in the morning, all pack engine fired up, and...... NO FCKN GEARS
    i'm guessing a broken spring on the return gear selector.
    rang RAA at 10, truck finally rocks up at 2.30, home at 5.

    Anyway, THANKS to everyone who attend, and made it a good weekend away. 


  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Sorry about the bike Ralphski. Great pics. Glad you all had a good time and got home safely, albeit on the back of a truck

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago

    Good to hear you and the bike made it home Ralph.  Thanks for organising the run, it was great to catch up with everyone.  Here's a few pics I took:

    HD Forums Australia - 20170218_130257.jpg


    HD Forums Australia - 20170218_171841.jpg


    HD Forums Australia - 20170218_171900.jpg


    HD Forums Australia - 20170218_171910.jpg

  • graz
    8 years ago

    Well done on another well organised ride Ralph. Pity about the breakdown this morning. Great to meet another "newbie"wink KC and good to see a couple of the tourers stretching their legs. Great weekend with a great bunch.

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    What a great bunch of people to spend a trip with, thanks team for a top weekend.

    Great job Ralphski. even the tour of the closed petrol stations.

    the curse of the blue healer howled its head off.


    the machanics

    the supervisor

    the tool bag, ("Hey Pop, have you seen our crayons";)

    Heared earlier the day before, "you Know Bob, If my bike breaks down, I may buy one of these"




  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    Here is the pics of Tim and his ride at Port Victoia 2017


    there is always next year big fella, get your self better,


  • graz
    8 years ago


  • Spook
    8 years ago

    You're a heartless bastard, Soapy!................just sayin'.



    HD Forums Australia - calvin_laughing.gif

  • Winger
    8 years ago

    Thanks, Ralphy. Top weekend...... and to use Graz's words; we promise not to BAG you for your misfortune, cos that't the type of guys we are. devil







  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    8 years ago

    Hey Ralph , is that hair in there ? Could be Bob , give it a shot hey .....

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    Sorry Tim,
    You were Photo bombed by China, then AJ, one time by Davutch and GT blocked you once
    some outsider parked their ute by your bike out the front and in the last shot, you took of to fast for the camera

    still, it was a great ride, till next year fellas, I will try brush up on my pics
  • ralphski
    7 years ago
    it wasn't a broken spring, but surprise surprise, HD QUALITY, welded only about 60 % around the shaft, NOT 360 %. The weld should have taken to the shaft and PLATE, DUMB FCK'S at HARLEY DAVIDSON

  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Heck Ralphski. That's not good. Sorry it's taken so long to get it looked at. At least no broken parts falling into gearbox.
  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    Nasty stuff Ralph. Did the mechanic repair it or will you need a replacement?
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    Sheesh. That is "piss poor" quality.
    But -Fucknose where weld was from?
    Is a "Shocker" though for this to happen to you r. Bugga......
    Maybe overheating ralphski, are you one to push to the top, and you have overheated man, wow..??
    Looks as though  T'was a bloody good ride. Love ya flicks.
