Online: obisteve, paulybronco, Cooch07, PappaSmurf

2016 Marlo bike show

  • markwoumla
    8 years ago



    HD Forums Australia - 2016_Marlo_bike_show.PNG

    HD Forums Australia - Marlo_map.PNG

  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Looks like a good show MW but hell, it couldn't be much further from anywhere. (unless you live at lakes entrance) Cheers
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Steelo,, Steelo,, Steelo.... 4.5 hours from Melbourne area ,,, 4 hours from Canberra area ,,, and everything in between ..... A nice weekend ride on some good country roads to a seaside village with a few mates, to a well run attitude free bike event , etc ,, I could not think of anything better ..... Maybe that touring bike you have been thinking about better be put on hold !!!!
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Ha. I'd REALLY need a big fast tourer like China or Mickle to get there in a day.

  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    All I can say ,, if you never, never do it ,, you'll never, never know !!!!!!
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    So, are there any takers for this show?

    What about those Canberrans who are always looking for a ride.
  • John.R
    8 years ago

    Bonang is a killer ride. If you're going from Canberra, I suggest:

    Canberra, Cooma, Nimmitabel, Bemboka, Candelo, Myrtle Mountain, Mt Darragh, Bombala, Bonang, Orbost


    EDIT: Woops. shouldve read the date.