Online: ATilsley169, softfat

Finding Neutral 2017 Breakout

    8 years ago


    First Harley and haven't actually got to ride it only 30kms on the clock.

    Started it today just to take out the front of the house for some images and was impossible to find Neutral while it was running soon as it was turned off went straight into neutral.

    Also found when letting out the clutch it grabs pretty much soon as the lever leaves the handle bar.

    Not owning a Harley before is this normal ?

    Thanks for your help


  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Agree with Hilly. So much for pre delivery!

  • robnicko
    8 years ago

    is it a hydraulic clutch or cable? if hydraulic probably has air in the line?

    my mate has a cvo breakout & its hydraulic clutch

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    8 years ago

    thought i would mention, a trick to find neutral if it is hard to engauge, motor runing bike in gear, let clutch out slightly to put a load on the gear then try, works for me. but get to dealer, easy fix.

  • FXST11
    8 years ago
    As mentioned above, Let clutch out very slightly, as if to take off, then pull in and try for Neutral, I sometimes need to do this.
    8 years ago

    Thanks guys.

    Spoke to Harley where I brought the bike.

    They said it could be that becuase the bike has sat there for a while that isn't any oil been inside the clutch area which could be causing it to be impossible to find neutral while it running ?

    They also said becuase I backed off the clutch cable when installing new levers that it will now need to be adjusted inside clutch primary ?

    They where really good to be honest they said call Harley Assit get the bike picked up and they will check it over make any adjustments and then come pick it up.

    Thanks for all your help 

  • perthhog
    8 years ago
    Re adjusted the cable If nothing's been touched inside the primary
    8 years ago

    I have fitted new levers and backed off the cable when fitting them.

    This is cable slack I left in the lever 1st image.

    Second image is how far the lever moves before it will start to take tension of the cable is it to much slack ?

    Cheers guys!

  • perthhog
    8 years ago

    Watch Paulys link on u tube that's how you adjust the cable adjuster is normally half way down the front of the frame under a rubber boot not like on jap bikes which have  a adjuster at the leaver perch

    8 years ago

    Thanks guys!

    I have watched both video's and looks like mine has to much freeplay which is causing the clutch not fully engage so will adjust it tommorow and report back how it goes after the adjustment.



  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Pretty easy to adjust, just make sure you have some free play in the lever. Dont be alarmed when you pull the clutch in and put it into 1st gear.......that almighty clunk is just a Harley gearbox.......yes

    8 years ago

    Well don't I feel like a total moron!

    Have taken out quite a bit of the slack.

    Neutral first go! 

    Can roll the bike foward and back while clutch is in while in first gear as well.

    The lever now can leave the grip with engaging I think I could take a fraction more slack out of the cable ?

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    Image attached of current slack in cable.

  • chopa
    8 years ago
    All part of learning about your bike
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Am I the only one that finds how thin the metal is on that casing so disturbing? It looks like a child's toy from China to me.
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Gee B. I can see how you would think that. It forced me to take another look. It could be just the edge. You can see little specks on the inside facing of the casting. If it was the thin metal, you wouldn't see those specs as they'd be at the back of the grip. It's a bit clearer in the third picture

    8 years ago

    There drag specialties levers from revzilla could be made in China tho!

    Here is a better picture of the inside of the lever.

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago

    It all looks like some engineer just saved a fortune by tweaking the specs to zero room for error. No doubt the word "lighter" was featured in the brochure.  I guess it's just an optical illusion as that last pic seems to show it as coming tio a fine point.