Online: Hilly

Just now joining the Aussie forum

  • wayoutadanorm
    8 years ago

    G'day All, Harley owner for a few months now, Had the dream of ownership since I was a whippersnapper, And am not disappointed.... Had Road and Dirt bikes from age 11, Mid 40's now and even though it's late in the piece, I'm glad I'm here. Trying to get out riding as often as I can, though the ride never seems long enough.

    I'm here to learn all I can, keen to keep this Fatty purring and looking good so I can update in the near future.

    In the process of changing a few things here and there to make it my own, covers, caps, pegs, more chrome blah blah blah, money money money etc..... After getting ideas online, I'm currently fabricating a Stainless Driver backrest/luggage rack for when I'm riding solo. Got a few Back pads coming from China just till I work out whick style I want, will then probably fork out the dollars for a genuine in the same fit. ( will ad pics,would appreciate feedback), feel like I need just a bit more lower back support. Also getting together a pillion Sissy bar to keep the Mrs on the back when 'her' seat gets to go on (in the blue moon).

    I'm sure to be here for the long haul, that V-Twin is in my blood now.

    Take it easy and stay upright guys.

    07 FLSTF, ST1 EFI KIT, Super Tuner, SE Heavy Breather, SE 211 Cam, S&S Slash Cut Slip ons, Accutronix Forward Controls, 1 3/4" Burleigh T-Bars, Lowering Kit.



  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    How do you find the time to ride with all that chrome? :P Welcome anyway, nice ride. I may have missed it, but what area are u from?
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Welcome bro
    nice fatty and great job on the backrest/luggage rack

  • wayoutadanorm
    8 years ago

    Yah, the chrome takes a bit of looking after. The Mrs told the neighbour the other day I spend more time in the shed rubbing the bike than time with her. Reckon she a bit jealous.

  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago

    G'day Norm.
    Nice work on the rack. Ya gotta be happy with that.

    PS; the Fatty looks good too.

  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Welcome mate. Its amazing how popular the 07 range is.
  • Winger
    8 years ago

    Love the Fattys, any year! Enjoy the forum and your ride.

  • Ric
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the forum.
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Welcome mate

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    welcome,nice ride.
  • wayoutadanorm
    8 years ago

    Happy with the result, slow day at the workshop allowed me to spend some time smoothing the welds and giving it a polish. A few more hours with the Autosol and polishing wheel will remove the fine lines.

    The Back Pads showed up from china, only one really looked the part, opened it up and modified the mounting plate in the back of it to make it more robust. Have purchased another as a spare and will see if the local leather guy up the road can make the cover in real leather, something to match the Fatty style.

    Never having rode with a backrest before, I wasnt sure what to expect, but feels awesome. Really sticks you to the seat, Can lighten up on the left hand grip allowing you to work the clutch with more control. Feels natural. Gotta say though, the extra grunt punching it outta the corners will probably see me go through rears a little faster.

    As soon as the polishing is done I ve got a Chrome Bar and Shield emblem to whack on. Looks the part.

  • wayoutadanorm
    8 years ago

    Cheers for all the welcoming messages too.

    Take it easy and stay upright Guys.yes

  • motorman857
    8 years ago
    That backrest and luggage rack is a thing of beauty. Great job.
  • wayoutadanorm
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the Aussie forum Motorman. Thanks for the compliment on the backrest. Next project will be rear sissy to match. Always thinking..........
  • Marz
    8 years ago
    Hi and welcome.

    Love the bullet hole wheels...
  • Winger
    8 years ago

    That backrest/rack is a work of art, Norm. Welder by trade?

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    very nice norm...i can see a couple of requests coming for a few of these.
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Top job wayout. Friend got in some chromed sissy bar / carrier parts for his other make bike. The welding was rubbish and had been simply chromed over.

    You have done a great job.

    Make the backrest / fore / aft, up / down adjustable. Weld in some tabs for carrier straps. It's a winner.

    Avert your mind to how you can make one for a soft tail deuce. Cheers Steelo

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Brilliant!! That's nailed it for fore and aft movement. Would also serve to keep the carrier always close to the guard.

    Make the back rest with a couple (more) discrete bolt holes (in the backing board) which can be adjusted up or down with an allen key bolt.


  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    I built a long rack to take my swag.
    I had to buy a smart phone so I will try to put up a pic.
    Where is the tech help department?