Online: Soapbox2627, WideglidingNZ

water in tranny oil??

  • chrise1961
    8 years ago

    I purchased a late model (2010) Fatboy Lo a couple of weeks ago and decided to give it a service today. So oil and filter done... all good, the tranny is a bit harsh on engaging first and also on pretty much all the gear changes so I decided to change the oil. It came out the colour of a glass of milk so had a bit (reasonable amount) of water in the transmission. My question is, how the fuck do you get a fair amount of water in the transmission??? And yes I flushed it out, refilled with fresh oil and will be changing it again in a couple of hundred kms to have another look. Just hoping the bike hasn't been up to its guts in flood water somewhere... rest of the bike looks and seems ok though.

  • Drac
    8 years ago
    I have seen this before
    It gets in through the the clutch cable adjuster
    Slide the rubber cover back and put rubber grease all over the adjuster

  • chrise1961
    8 years ago

    Bikes only done 11,500 k's

  • chrise1961
    8 years ago

    Thanks Drac, I'll have a look at that tomorrow.


  • swamprat
    8 years ago
    i have seen this before on a Buell ,the owner had been spraying hose under seat when washing bike & got water into breather hose
  • Drac
    8 years ago
    Check if the cover has slid down the cable
  • chrise1961
    8 years ago
    Well after a few hundred k's I have changed the tranny oil again and it looked the same as when I put it in, fuck knows why it had water in it but will be monitored in the future. Tranny engagement and gear changes are so much smoother now.
  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    +1 to have a good look at your wheel bearings as well, particularly the right side ones as they get it the worst from a power washer when the bike is on its side stand.
  • Rod2001
    8 years ago
    I have seen a bike that was parked in a flooded shed with the same thing