Cleaning matt black finis

  • Fat bob 14
    Fat bob 14
    8 years ago

    Hi all just Chasing doin some tips on how to clean my fat bob, what should I use in what parts etc etc any help is greatly appreciated 

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Goodness me. Did you just come across the site this very second and decide to ask a question about cleaning. If you'd even spent a day looking at the site before jumping in you would have read an exact same question in a current thread a day old and dozens of others

    You'll be wanting to know what oil to use next.

    Anyway, welcome to the site.

  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Welcome mate. Plenty of Fat Bob lovers here! As Steelo pointed out, check out 'General Discussions/cleaning'; it's a current thread that may help out. Otherwise the Search function will be your friend.