Online: Hilly, Derek.1966

far north

  • dilmah
    8 years ago


    I live in the upper flinders ranges area (quorn/port augusta) area and was wondering if there are any fellow ridersin the area that are keen to meet up for a ride around.



  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    hi Dilmah I live in Alice Springs But was born and bread Quorn / Port Augusta lad 
    You have some great rides on your door step 

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    There are a couple guys that live up your area Dilmah.

    TC88 is in Pt. Pirie, pops in and out of here occasionally 

    There is a couple of blokes on the other side of the Rangers also, I can't remember there names

    Scandal and I live in Whyalla, I hear Scandal rides your way semi often with his group.

    Get an eye on this section, July is the Brass Balls Run up your way and the sweaty Balls Run is in Febuary.

    Those runs in our area but there is many more

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Not me. Spectacular area you live in though, wallabies there are quite hefty too and worth avoiding.



  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    Im from further up at leigh creek but in pirie now. Theres a few guys in quorn and augusta though.
  • ralphski
    7 years ago
    boys, get on the Brass Balls Run this year.
    fckn good ride.