
  • Damien Barton
    Damien Barton
    8 years ago

    Hey guys any advice on best cleaning products for Harley fat boy Lo with denim finished  black on tank?. Would the good ole micro fibre mit and soapy water be ok for an over all wash and dry with a shammy cloth?? Tia??

  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Probably ...

    Although, I've only washed / 'cleaned' my bike ONCE in 12 months.

    So, pay zero attention to whatever I may say,
  • Ric
    8 years ago
    I think with the Denim finish's you need to use a different type of wash & polish.

    Might pay to do a bit of research first, I use a woolly mit for my paint work and chrome, does the job and nice n soft.

  • Jayman6
    8 years ago
    I have a denim finish on my Dyna. I normally just give it a soak with supercheaps own brand heavy duty wash, the green stuff. I use a microfibre sponge for the first scrub, hose it off and then use a seperate microfibre cloth to dry it. Then use a third microfibre cloth with HD's denim paint cleaner. It's a good product for removing the stubborn scuff marks around where the tank meets the seat, but go gently because if you buff it hard you'll create a shiny spot in the denim that's permanent. Windex the front end/lights. Use a cheap silicon aerosol tyre shine to brighten up any wrinkle black parts such as brake calipers, belt sprocket, pegs, trans case. Use a rag, don't, I repeat, please don't spray that stuff anywhere near your brake rotors or tyres.
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    No polish on a denim finish, all I've used for 9 years is dishwashing detergent or windex and it comes up like new.
    Polishing will end up giving you a gloss like finish
  • Broke
    8 years ago
    I have a denim finish Iron and use Harley Davidson Soft Wash wash and an old Enyo glove for a sponge. I use the spray bottle Denim Cleaner sometimes to clean the tank , mud guards and side pieces with the Harley Micro fibre cloth. On a previous bike I used the Harley Davidson the Engine Brite spray after about 3 years as it seemed to be fading. That made the engine have a 'wet' look.( think its lacquer) I would not rush into using Engine Bright unless your really have to .
  • Vic
    8 years ago
    I normally don't wash mine till its filthy, but hose it down first then use Meguiars Ultimate Wash & Wax with a mit.

    Every 2nd or 3rd wash Ill use a product from "shining monkey" for matt finishes with a micro fibre cloth.
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Yeah I don't buy any of the fancy cleaners from tbe Moco.
    Like Jayman above, I use cheap tyre shine on my black cases and they come up a treat, bugs don't stick to them as much either
  • N.B
    8 years ago

    i use windex and a microfibre cloth on the denim paintwork/mirrors etc. and carwash liquid on the lower half. comes up like new with the windex. yes

  • tussuck
    8 years ago

    Ummmm.... Why not just use the Harley cleaner and polish for your paint type?

    I mean, you spent chit loads on your ride so why skimp on the cleaning and polish.  You could ask the chaps at as that's where I shop.

  • the_mongrel
    8 years ago
    Mr Sheen is your friend!!!