Online: flstc08

110 upgrade.

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    So close to Jesus birthday but yet you mock his beer..... for christ sake grow up you lads 


  • bloodog
    8 years ago


  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Yeah very nice, and bobcats are good for at least around 125/125
  • brash
    7 years ago
    shit wrong thread.
  • FONTANA302
    7 years ago
    Very interesting, even thought the torque peak is high, that's a pretty peaky torque curve.
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Cool Hilly was not sure what that meant.
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Different cams: h&h and hilly are talking about the se585 cams and dyno is talking about s&s585 cams. Different cams with different profiles. 
    Interesting to see how some headwork and 117 kit compares to the 110 kit. 
  • dynoharley
    7 years ago


  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
    that's cool , what comes and work for that figure                    
  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
    that's true hilly , 110 heads have larger chamber so less cyclinder pressure also , whats 110 kit consist of hilly ,and does in that figure come dyno tuned
  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
    does kit have pistons , barrels and cams ??? ,   yes other items all cost , its what we do to enjoy life                    
  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
    the kit covers lot of items , looks good value
  • robots
    7 years ago
    Haha what's in the kit
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    H&H after looking again looks like you was just using a dyno comparison, from HD SE parts, so sorry as thought you had it dynoed. but a good dyno from a operator with HD experience who can also tune, is worth every cen if you ask me. you enjoy it man! i can also relate to how it would be needed on tassie twisty hilly road more TQ rules!!
  • FONTANA302
    7 years ago
    Sorry if it was interpreted as being critical, wasn't meant to be.  I was commenting about the "area under the torque curve" - that's important regards overall ride-ability/flexibility.  That cam/combo is pretty peaky means is about the shape of the torque curve, meaning it isn't as flat as many are - it goes up/down from torque peak reasonably either side.  It's no doubt a very nice ride, that's the main thing.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    Thats the main thing!!
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    I think all mass production like that so your new bikes motor not perfect, but good enough. if you want perfect you just have to find a workshop that also has there own machine shop & do all in-house . plus use the best equipment to resize, also torque plate barrels before resizing. & have the best equipment to cut valve seats & valve guide's. they are out there just have to know. L A Cycles in Sydney have it all in house plus the owner is a one man band. has top equipment , can flow test & Dyno. not many compleat shops like that with owner doing all the work.
    TRE in victoria is another, they could design & manufacture a motor for you too. both is Australia both no web page.

  • Tat2_u
    7 years ago
    with all Due respect your Build has cost a lot of cash for the results achieved
    Ive Just done a 103 build that has made 111.98 HP and 113.35 FP torque it was Dynoed at Harley Horsepower Today I myself don't have a copy or the sheet but I'm sure Alan cant post it should you doubt these figures torque don't drop of until after 5500 rpm My total build cost was well under 4K