Online: paulybronco, Hilly

CV Carb upgrade. Throttle Cable Query

  • JustinCase
    8 years ago

    Hi fellas,

    Re: CV carby upgrade on a 1981 FXEF.

    So I finally managed to get hold of a used CV carby. It came off a '93 Evo. I've put a kit through it, fabbed up the old school A/C (cause I reckon it looks better), fabbed up a mini choke bracket. I then bought a pair of throttle cables that would suit the CV, I didn't feel confident cutting back the original factory cable end housing/outer sleeve at the carby end, which I've read about in various search results.

    Problem I've just encountered is that the old throttle cables screwed into the grip housing, they were well secured. The evo ones don't, they look like they just simply sit in a recess and have a mini circlip where it appears they would be secured. The hole debth is not deep enough to secure the circlip using the existing grip housing. 

    I'm asking if I can simply attach the new evo cables to the old grip housing and rely on adjustment (spreading apart) the cable to hold it in the grip housing. I can't see or understand how it could come loose. Or should I buy a throttle grip housing to suit an Evo?  


    New Evo cable end and original shovel cable end




  • JustinCase
    8 years ago

    Hey Bob, thought someone would say that, to use an evo twist grip. I'm realy anti doing that if it can be avoided, even though the later switches are far better than what the shovels came with. Doing what I can to stay original or as close to it is where I'm at. Cheers 

  • JustinCase
    8 years ago

    So I replaced the incorrect cables for the right ones. Finished getting the carby on and all bolted up. The old girl started for the first time ever cold. Noticed I can hear this carby pulling in the air, cool. Took it for a run and tweeked the idle mixture screw (glad I put that on). Throttle response is about the same, which is fine with me, it's not a race bike. Have to fab up a A/C bracket then I'm off for a decent run. 

    For those doing this upgrade and if you have a stock frame, tank and handlebars then 32.5" cables will bolt straight up. Bugger all room at the top rear of the front rocker cover as the cables come very close to the horizontal oil line. 

    Bob, I did check the fuel connection point as I put a kit through the carby, it appears in good nick. 


    Thanks for your input and comments guys

  • noddy59
    8 years ago
    Hi JustinCase ,I also have the cv sitting in the shed waiting to go on ,what adapter flange did you use ? and thanks for the heads up on the cables .
  • JustinCase
    8 years ago

    Hi Noddy, you need either one of the billet flange adapters or a rubber one (which is what I used).         I flattened off one side of the washers on the carby side, as their wasn't much room there for a full one.
    While you're getting stuff sorted replace the idle mixture screw with this: If you do you, the spring and washer in the kit won't fit, use your existing. Makes tuning heaps easier.

    Don't forget to fab up a bracket or 2 for the air cleaner

    All parts for the conversion are available through birdbitz on fleabay.  How much did you pay for the CV?


  • noddy59
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the information, I have an alloy flange from Killer products in the USA, I was looking for Birdz on the net but cannot find them and ebay says they don't exist, strange as I have shopped there before. Got a bargain on the carb i think @ $150 , looks like a new one.
  • noddy59
    8 years ago

    It's ok i found birdz