Online: Ultramick

Rhino Leather Sydney - Any Comments?

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago

    Formites, I have been looking for a leather jacket like this for a while.  

    Rhino Leather in Sydney have it on sale for $339 with free delivery.

    Has anyone dealt with Rhino Leather?  Comments please.

    Or do you know of other Australian stores that have a similar jacket.

  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    Correct me if wrong , but aren`t Rinho`s nearing extinction . Hides possibly only come from Murdering Pochers...Booooo !
  • mickle
    8 years ago
    Looks shit.
  • keith
    8 years ago
    Don't know much about them ? The one Hutch got gets thumbs up from me.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Hi krackers. I went up to their warehouse/shop in rydalmere (syd) a few years ago and tried a few jackets on. I had issues getting sizing to fit re arms, chest, length. I haven't had those issues before. It was a cheap jacket intended for summer so I bought it but was never happy with the fitment. The lady that runs it is a nice lady and service is good - I couldn't get a refund but she gave me a credit that I used to buy a couple of vests, gloves etc. As for the quality, the jacket I bought was a cheap, thin leather jacket intended for summer. It was cheap and the quality was not the same as a more expensive jacket. I suppose you get what you pay for. Their vests are good.
  • FXST11
    8 years ago
    I have a Rhino suede vest, it seems ok.
    Try MCAS at Auburn, they have multiple jacket, makers & styles.

    I myself do like the look of that one you posted.
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Hi Krackers. Does that Jacket come with an Iron Cross?

  • b0mb3r
    7 years ago
    for the people liking the Belstaf there is always the driza-bone

  • 78Monk
    7 years ago
    I bought a jacket off them years ago. It was pretty cheaply made and barely lasted a few months before stitching came out. 
    Wouldn't recommend. 
  • SRV72
    7 years ago
    You can tell the Rhino is cheap by the way it is put together from numerous smaller panels - basically off cuts.
    I ordered a British Motorcyle Gear (BMG) Montana jacket online years ago for not much more in price and have been happy with the fit, look and quality but each to their own.