Breakout Fork Mod

  • Chaser
    8 years ago

    Hi all, I am looking to buy a new Breakout (not a CVO), and really like the idea of the extra 2" wide glide fork mod. I scraped the pegs on the test ride and wondered why they fit stepped down pegs in the first place.  A couple of the Harley dealers in Sydney haven't done this mod before and the parts quotes are ranging from @$500 to $1100, plus 4 hrs labour! I looked at the CVO but don't like the new wheels ( and the front is a 19" now), but do like the inverted forks and twin front disks. I'll stick with the 103 and maybe an engine upgrade later on down the track.  I've read all the old posts re the mod but does anyone have any recent experience with the dealers in Sydney?  I also have read there is a 50mm fork extender, but haven't seen any posts on it actually being used.  Thanks for your help.....

  • Kustomtown
    8 years ago
    They prob have the stepped down pegs as a feeler gauge before you hit something solid on the bike like the primary.....I got the wide glide front end and extended pegs. Way more clearance.