Wide Glide Tank Removal

  • Sparra
    8 years ago

    Can anyone tell me if I have to take the instrument panel off the tank of a 2010 Wide Glide to remove it or can I just disconnect the fuel lines,undo the bolts and lift it off by just unplugging it from the harness underneath it.


  • robots
    8 years ago
    yeah you do take off console, just hang it there, I normally strap it to fork out of the way,

    there's a vent plug harness underneath tank also which you have to unplug, its a small plug

    not sure how you draining/dismantling tank but i siphon fuel out and do it with rear tank bolt removed and front still in and tilt tank forward to get most of fuel out

    a golf tee is handy to plug one end of the fuel hose and then other end goes into a funnel to drain any fuel left
  • Sparra
    8 years ago

    Thanks Robots...