Online: Lushy, Hilly

little sissy for FXDB

  • David_E_676
    8 years ago

    Hey guys, I am looking to add a small sissy bar to my 2016 streetbob (like the attached pic - which is a Wideglide). I am a bit confused about the sissy bar section in the Harley parts catalogue and would like some direction on part numbers or another avenue in which i can get one, how much etc... can anyone help ??? Thanks in advance


    HD Forums Australia - fxwg_sissy.jpg


  • Bobber T
    Bobber T
    8 years ago
    You will need to buy side mounting plates - determine if you want a removable sissy or not first. Also indicator relocation kit - not sure if you have to ask for it separate or not. If you want one like the WG bar, it is not removable. Make sure the width will fit your bike. I found the best was to go into the dealer and have a look and play with a few different options. I ended up going with the removable sissy on mine, as it is only on the bike when the wifey is. All up the exercise cost me about $200 with the dealer when I bought the bike. 2015 FXDBB.
  • Brad24
    8 years ago

    Im in the market for a removable sissy bar for my '10 fat bob. Same same, it will only be on the bike when the cook is. I went into the local dealer & was quoted $550. Surely there has to be a cheaper way.    

    It would be a whole let cheaper to let her fly off the back, but yeah nah

    Any ideas where else to get one from thanks fellas

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    I made my own, if you can't do it yourself maybe a mate can for a couple of boxes of beer!!
  • southwind
    8 years ago

    kurakyn plug and play sissy it chaps. No fuss - no indicator relocation.