Bug Control

  • Speedy
    8 years ago



    Did a 100 K ride yesterday .... ending around about dusk.


    The bugs were STUPID !

    JUST made it home, before I 'called quits' on being able to see through my visor. ( Could not have coped with a half face; earlier in the ride I had the visor UP .... bugs were in my ears and nose ! )

    Spoke with a fellow rider today; he told me about a set of gloves that had a rubber strip, to de-bug visors.

    How do the more experienced riders cope  ?

    Tips appreciated ( aside from HARDEN THE FUCK UP )


  • keith
    8 years ago
    I think you answered it, HTFU is the key, or stay home .
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    C'mon fellas ...

    Don't worry about these shallow fucknuckle 'look at me' soft cocks ...

    How does one cope with bugs ?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Just eat shit and die!

    Do us all a favour.




  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Thankyou H&H

    FarCanal is a fuckwit !
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    +1 mr sheen
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    I was impressed with the Harley brand bug cleaner and sponge after my after trip. Plan to work on the frame and perhaps the engine area (some odds and sods bug guts) with some WD40. Mr Sheen was always good on my other bikes; I still use it on my helmet and visor. Warm soapy water and light sponge for jacket and gloves.
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Thumbs up H&H ...

    ( certainly not you, Farkanall )

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    I agree re harden the fuck up.
    Or maybe drive your car.
    Or maybe don't ride when it starts to get dark.
    There you go - 3 tips for ya.

    Thank you, drive thru
  • keith
    8 years ago
    Posted By Speedy on 17 Oct 2016 8:30 PM


    Idioy !Posted By chinashop bull on 17 Oct 2016 8:12 PM

    Posted By keith on 17 Oct 2016 6:37 PM
    I think you answered it, HTFU is the key, or stay home .





    Your opinions matter none ...






  • Methuselah
    8 years ago

    Well, one suggestion is if you don't like bugs stay the fuck away from Queensland!! I've tried everything, Mr Sheen, polish, all sorts of stuff and in reality nothing works really well. I wear an open face helmet and if we ride out towards the west I wear a face mask. I also wear prescription sunnies so carry a cloth and cleaner in my downtube bag. It really doesn't matter how much polish or shit you've got on your bike they still splatter and stick. The more polish etc the easier they are to get off though. I know you didn't want to hear the old drink a cup of concrete joke but really, it is quite true because bugs are just a part of motorcycling, as is going past a cattle crate when a cow pisses straight out the side just as you are riding past.

  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Speedy and mates.

    8 years ago

    Bugs are bad up Jamestown way in SA

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    i've ridden through a locust plague where I literally couldn't keep me feet on the footpegs, they were sliding off cos of the mashed up bugs, could not see a thing, open face helmet so forehead was bombarded with the fuckers... was still finding them in nooks and crannies of my bike for years after... did it stop me??? no !!! HTFU !!!!
  • AJ56
    8 years ago
    Take some Viagra
  • Smokey61
    8 years ago

    No need to carry anything. Pull in to a servo to fuel up, grab a big handful of paper towelling and soak it under the tap. Use it to scrub bug debris off whatever you want to clean. Then use a handfull of dry paper towelling to wipe it dry. Perfect result. No fuss, no chemicals, no carrying anything extra.
  • Stevro
    8 years ago

     The banter is f**king halarious, you all made my day... and Speedy you must of seen it comming :)

    Have you tried these maybe, for when the bugs are "Stupid" and you dont want to stop and wash

    Not sure if they will fit ya lid though.

    Although I should be less helpfull and reply to you as you did to me when I asked opinions on types of helmet locks.

    Just buy a cheap shit helmet and relax /don't f**king WORRY ! 

    ( 30 bucks from Aldi ? )

    Just eat the bugs, relax / dont f**king WORRY !

    (Free ?)

  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    I was driving South from Port Headland a few years back in a car and spotted a small black cloud floating just above the horizon. Something didn't look right so I quickly rolled my window up (XD Falcon no air con) and the next minute the windscreen was splattered with big black hornets and one of the fuckers had got in.
    I nearly drove off the road while trying to hit the cunt with a newspaper.
    Toughen up Speedo
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Good one Speedy, funny shit.