Online: paulybronco, Wanderer57, flstc08

Breakout stage 2 cam advice

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Looking for some help: 
    I will be pulling the trigger in the next mounth on a 2017 breakout, and will be ordering stage 2 
    Bassani pro street turnouts for pipes ......but what cam kit do I order and will I gain much grunt from a stage 2 
    My searching so far has lead me to 295 cams but I just dont know enough yet
    I have done some searching but got lost in it all, I'm looking for more grunt in the top of second and through 3rd 4th gear 
    Hopeing with a bit of clutch I can loose traction out of turns 
    Also I am in NT and we ride in 38 degree days 
    I think the more work I do to the donk the more I could over heat the bike ???? 

    Thanks as always bloodog 

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

     top end hp
    Thanks paul

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    If you wanna guarantee your warranty you'll be limited to Screamin Eagle cams. You probably meant the 259 as there isn't a 295. If you have stock compression the 259 cam will make the bike as soft as a poo sandwich down low in the revs. if keeping stock comp, maybe the se585 might suit you better
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Sticking with a SE cam or aftermarket?
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Taking note of all this 

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    I like the 255 Screamin' eagle cam myself. Stock OEM in the 110 CVO motor

    Gives you the punch right down low where I think it's needed , one of my CVO's still has this cam. Goes well , tuned by "original" SERT Screamin' Eagle race tuner

    I also have a 110 with the 259e cam , power is greater but way up the revs ( as already mentioned !). Tuned by Supertuner pro

    I myself am not a 200Km/H kinda guy , more a pure grunt from 60 to 120 afficianado. That's "real world" performance in my opinion

    That and there are starter calibrations for the 255 in a 103 cube motor , not always the case with a 259e , and not at all for most of the aftermarket cams
  • TD302
    8 years ago
    I'd go with the Andrews 57h. Seen it make 92hp with heavy breather and 2-2 pipes on breakouts and 97hp on Dyna with a 2-1 v&h big radius and big sucker.
  • robots
    8 years ago
    whats the other specs of the 57H
  • robots
    8 years ago
    If you truly want HP 3500rpm up put the stage4 race kit, you get tuner with it, buy right intake at start

    It will ride perfect around town, get all done at purchase

    Can get maps for it easy enough
  • robots
    8 years ago
    You want have to warm it up for 5 mins either
  • tussuck
    8 years ago


    Go Stage 4 and then you'll not be wondering any longer....anything else is 1/2 an answer.  Or stay stock and bolt a turbo on the side.

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    I'm liking the cr575 cams for a standart 103 or 110 breakout 

    Bolt in the CR575 in your 110, leave the heads on, get a good tune and go.
    With this cam as a bolt in for a 110, have repeatedly achieved high teens TQ and over 100 HP SAE with good left side "usable" power.

    Heres another in a 110 cvo convertible, Rinehart 2 into 1,  Comparison from stock to cam/pipe upgrade, got the cams from Herko

    CR575 Specs:
    Intake 15/35 .575Lift   230Dur 100LC
    Exhaust 49/07  .560 Lift   236Dur 111LC
    OVLP 22  
    TDC .156 Intake  .109 Exhaust

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

  • robots
    8 years ago
    20HP increase on a cam change and pipe
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    This is good advice loving it Thanks
    SO if I buy a new 2017 breakout 103 donk and order stage 1 super /t bassani pro street turnouts { open short twin pipes } and put just CR575 cams  ............ Were will my gains be ? and could there be any loss in performance 

    Sorry to go on and on asking dum ass questions but I'm getting close to working this shit out

    Thanks heaps you mob ....bloodog

  • mickle
    8 years ago

    And something to consider also is you can kiss ya engine warranty goodbye if you don't go Harley parts from new, probably

    wont need to use the warranty. Stage 4 for me.

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    New 2017 breakout 
    I will be asking the hog shop this: With these pipes and this cam put in and tuned by you with a 2 year warranty and tell them my price.... vivid black and chrome of couse .........{ not road king red like paul or spook }

    Thanks for all the help 

  • fatbat
    8 years ago

  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    Thanks bro
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    204's if not doing any other work