Online: Humbug, tussuck

2008 XL883 seat replacement - not sure?

    8 years ago

    Hey all,


    id like to replace the seat on my 2008 XL883 with an aftermarket one, but not sure if I am going to run into problems with the 'setup' under the seat which was done before I owned the bike.


    it looks like the original (assuming its the original) seat has been modified (read: hacked around) underneath the seat for it to not foul on the components under the seat?  Not sure if this is due to the power commander and other stuff has been relocated, which has then fouled the seat fitment?

    Does it look normal under the seat or has stuff been modified to fit the computer/electricals?

    Id like to go a La Pera or Mustang, but dont want to spend 500$ on a seat that wont fit, or that will need hacking up to fit (even it if will fit after hacking it up)...


    any ideas??  Photos attached...





    HD Forums Australia - 20161008_084153_1476053084899_resized.jpg

    HD Forums Australia - 20161008_084214_1476053087249_resized.jpg

    HD Forums Australia - 20161008_084224_1476053082982_resized.jpg

  • fmacdonald
    8 years ago


    The bike looks standard for a 2007 - 2009 model with the electrics up high, I would say they have used a seat for a later model and had to modify it. If you by a La Pera or Mustang for your year model it will be fine as they sit higher. You will notice the seats are sold for 2007-2009 and then 2010+ .

    As a cheap bugger I am looking for a second hand seat and have found it hard to get a 2009 model.

    Stock 2007/2008

    8 years ago

    Thanks for the advice, thats probably what has happened!!


    I will try a fitment of a mustang or la pera, sounds like it should work with no mods!


    thanks again!