Online: Humbug, tussuck

No alarm

  • binnsy
    8 years ago

    So the 07 fatty doesnt have an alarm or immobiliser.  Is it possible/feesable to fit one to the bike. ?

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago


    All bikes around tht time had them... must be an import. 

    Try this part number... 68925-07   SMART SECURITY SYSTEM MODULE

    It plugs in behind the electrical bracket somewhere. 

    You should be able to buy one and FOB's from a dealer... probably not cheap.


  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Some Harleys sold in Australia from new 2006 models had a "standard" OEM factory fitted alarm. Fob had an "off/on" button like older car systems

    2007 and on ALL new HD's sold in Australia HAD to have an immobilser from new , we got the alarm /immobiliser combo with the "proximity fob".

    That was an ADR requirement for all new vehicles retailed in Australia

    Ho is correct Re the "imports". Hardly any US bikes had/have the factory alarm system , and I have worked on plenty of them now. CVO's an exception , it was OEM on them in the US

    ( Although I have seen ex Japan and ex NZ bikes that did have the factory security with proximity fob )

    A good mate of mine fitted an earlier 2006 type "on/off" system to his 2001 V-Rod. Got all the parts required in a Frasers old stock clearance weekend sale

    I think it would be an expensive exercise , and many folks with "factory security" think it's a pain in the ass...
  • binnsy
    8 years ago
    Thanks guys, sorry I didnt realise it made a difference, yet it is an import. Sounds like Im better off leaving it as is, monetarily and convenience wise.
  • Odin
    8 years ago
    Binnsy. My 2009 Fatboy didnt have one either and it was an import. It has now and cost about $800 from memory
  • binnsy
    8 years ago
    Thanks Uncle Ho, I have one of those disc alarms and it works quite well. Think i will just stick with that.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Binnsy have a look at Gumtree. This was posted about yday
  • binnsy
    8 years ago
    Thanks fatbat will check it out.