Online: Humbug, tussuck

cnc cycles - some you can trust?

  • ghostwolf59
    8 years ago


    Looking for some spare parts for my shovel and came across CNC Cycles that I never heard of before - an oz mob (according to the url at least) - do they stock good parts or just cheap imports?

    Just looking for a ignition coil cover for my 1981 shovel, but like to know if this is a mob I should deal with in the future - The replacement I got were shit were it cracked and dropped off within 3-5 rides

    Cheap imports also suffer from inferial chrome (and I am looking for quality)

    Years of dealing with J&P Cycles in US, but apprarently they changed owner and with that people flaming this new setup (shit service and hit&miss if you ever would receive the package) - So now somewhat hesitated shopping there again - Would prefer to shop within oz as long as the prices is decent (which unfortunatly not is the case most of the time :( )


  • skirtster
    8 years ago
    I go to CNC when I cannot get something I need from the dealers in my area, they have saved me many times from waiting for parts to be ordered.
  • GeoffBlack
    8 years ago

    HD Devlopment another option.

  • bobby bob
    bobby bob
    8 years ago
    CruiserCustomizing, 60% off inter orders, kuryakan and other good name gear, sale prices.
  • mickle
    8 years ago
    Had very good and quick service from Revzilla.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    You have to toss up whether you want good stuff or cheap shit.
    One is bound to be more expensive then the other.
    If HDD has good stuff then thats the way you go. Save up for another week or two. Peace of mind as well.
    Maybe PM Todd Bertrang from Hunting Harleys in SoCal. I know he hunts around for original parts or second hand original for people but he charges for it.
  • matric
    8 years ago
    I have found Rollies Speed Shop in Brisbane really good. Few guys there from what I can gather. I have dealt with Jay in customer service a few times now and he has been very helpful. For one order we were back and forth on the phone. He listened to exactly what I was after and went away and did the research to make sure I was getting what I wanted. Everything showed up at home two days later. Shipping was reasonable and very well packed. Have also ordered from Cruiser Customizing in the states but I would go to Revzilla first now if I was to order international. With such good service here though and fast shipping I don't think I would waste my time unless I was after something that was not available in Oz.
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    yep +1 on rollies
  • chopa
    8 years ago
    Wait till ya want warranty from Rollies. They suck will not deal with them ever again
  • KB
    8 years ago

    Just don't expect any back up or support from Rollies.

  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Re: Rollies .....

    I dealt with them so very briefly.

    Will not go back !