panhead valve seat replacement.where?

  • kickinon
    8 years ago

    cancel that, found a couple of old threads here,now...






  • kickinon
    8 years ago
    , l did find your imfo on ser just before from an old thread, ill give him a ring after the week end..Thanks Dave..,
  • kickinon
    8 years ago

    l figure the old seats will be removed and newies installed,a new set of valves would be fitted,, the guides ? i'll check when ive got both heads stripped and ready to go
    thats what i'd like done.(front and rear heads).i'll phone ser probably later next week or the following week and organise a suitable time to go out there..

  • kickinon
    8 years ago
    Yes, it will be interesting to here the quoted price, im curious , i've done some home work over the past couple of weeks and checked out quite a few motorcycle machine shops that replace valve seats in the big 4 japanese,italian, and british makes,, so once ive got a price i'll weigh up if its worth it, and B.Bob ive been meaning to ask are you Thai?
  • kickinon
    8 years ago
    Do you know the blue fox cafe?
  • kickinon
    8 years ago
    have booked an audience for mid next week at SER to drop in for a chat and show the heads..cant wait!! ..Bob i'll take the silence as a no about the blue fox bar/cafe, thought you might have hung around there since you spent some time in Bangkok,its gone now l went by last october its a 7/11 store..dam shame!!
  • kickinon
    8 years ago
    yes,good outcome,, took the first set of panheads to ser last year, they machined out the bronze seats and replaced with new set ,and new guides,as well as repaired 2 broken fins..
    got them back and were as clean as new,l re assembled them, they are back on the bike ive done only 50miles since but all good,
    since then ive taken a set of shovelheads And another set of pans for reco, same thing, seats, guides, a repair to a fin or 2,as well as a sqished exhaust port to be replaced or fixed, his prices are reasonable with relatively quick turn around, so ive got enough heads now for a couple of builds...