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Getting my WG to hold a line

  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago

    So I've had a lot of hard riding lately, pushed my WG harder than I have before and it's been going pretty well.. for a 300kg land barge :)

    Actually it's pretty much amazed me through all my shenanigans of late and surprised the hell out of my cafe racer mates.

    But the problem I'm finding, on high speed 120-160kmh sweepers in particular it's really hard to keep it on line, it really wants to wander about and any slight bump or shift in road texture can throw it off line.

    The front and rear tyre sizes definitely don't help, the front is chewed to the edge but the rear still has a good inch to go.. I'd run out of front before easily.

    Suspension? Narrower rear tyre? Or am I just expecting too much from this bestie?! To be fair it really has astounded me, nearly 1000ks of hard fast riding over the last 3 weeks and it just hasn't skipped a beat.

  • Donster
    8 years ago
    Along with the engine stabiliser idea mentioned above, also consider Ricor Intiminators which control front suspension diving.

    Did both on my Fatbob = different bike, way better
  • Methuselah
    8 years ago
    Basically, apart from the 3 suggestions above the standard suspension is fucked.