Online: Top Bloke


  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    8 years ago
    Nope I ride every day.

    If I can't decide on which bike to ride I flip a coin.
  • Stevef
    8 years ago
    Not so much that. But I seem to be able to tell when a car is going to do something stupid, like pull out infront of me or try and close out the gap when lane splitting. And you know the kid in the rice racer wants to try and drag you at the lights. The ones I'm most careful of are the ones with jet black hair, wearing white cotton gloves and theit main diet consists of rice. You just know they're gunna piss you and everybody else off! The only bike accident I've ever had was about 25 years ago when a woman pulked out from a stop sign right infront of me. I had to drop my Yamaha 1.1 and it and I slid into the side of her car. She was more irate than me, because according to her, cars had the right of way over motorbikes and I should have stopped to let her through. The cop that stopped informed her that she was infact ill informed and would be charged. She informed him that he didn't know the road rules! And should really study up on them before becomming a traffic cop! I didn't know weather to laugh or set fire to her car.
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago

    Last year I rode and got a block and had a weird felling. As dumb as it sounds it was strong enough to make me pull over and check things (Helmet, gloves, phone...). At the T intersection ahead ( I pulled over just before it) a cop was driving bye and while one car stopped, the second one was busy looking at the copper and slammed up the first guys arse - I would have been the meat in that metal sandwich. Probably a coincidence, but made me think.

  • Smokey61
    8 years ago
    It's the Cosmos trying to trick you into getting involved in a car crash. Ride the bike.
  • boxa
    8 years ago
    Its called gut instinct , You should always follow it .... I used to get it sometimes about getting out of bed ..
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    I generally ride every day,every weather condition.
    But there has been times at the end of my working day when I have taken a van home.
    Sometimes you feel too tired to concentrate on a 25 kilometre trip in Sydney traffic.
  • Choco
    8 years ago

    I am 56 now I started riding when I was 10 but these days I am riding a lot less.

    I know my reflex is not as fast as it was when I was in my twenties and car drivers today seem to care a lot less about bike riders than they did 30 years ago and that's always a worry.

    Who knows maybe there is some sort of survival sense kicking in for me as well, not one of the smartest things to do is ride on a day if it feels wrong, sometimes it is just easier to take the car.

  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago
    I once got a bad feeling 10 minutes into a solo ride, wasn't nailing corners right, gear selection was shit, turned and went home. No regrets.
    I often get the odd feeling to slow down. It's saved my licence many a time.
  • Jersey
    8 years ago
    Went a few years in the old days with only a bike. Lived in the desert of Arizona then. Weather made it a bit easier. I guess I'm soft. Im a lot older now and ride when the weather and I feel good. If it's shitty or I feel shitty I'm happy to have heater and wipers going in the car. I will say I'm a much more aware rider now and seem to anticipate more. I'm pretty sure if I get taken by a cage it will be getting ass ended which I couldn't do anything about.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago


    That is a good luck story if ever I have heard one Hilly. Great anticipation, and a good save on the new britches..

    How do your 11 year old unscathed jeans fit you now?

  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago

    I agree with the gut instincts comments. Last time I ignored them, well I won't go into any details, needless to say I haven't ridden since late April this year. Looking forward to getting back on it soon though.

    Moral of the story, always trust your intuition, if it don't feel right, don't do it.

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    yeah i do this all the time.. however after my accident i suffer high anxiety .. to the point where im sitting on my bike all geared up bike running in between my legs sitting in the garage with the door open and all i need to do is put it in gear and off i go but i sometimes turn the bike off take gear off and take the car....

    might sound like a big girl and i have a few mates that give me shit over it.. but its a overwhelming feeling like im in a straight jacket ...
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    only one bloke makes the decision limpn...the shit will wash off in time.and after your bingle i dont blame you for thinking ahead
    went on 2 week tour some years ago,went and bought a phone extension line[ no mobiles then] to reach the bed/bedroom before i went idea why.came home in an ambulance and spent 2 months on the bed. was handy to reach the phone for a while.
  • Ric
    8 years ago
    Had that feeling one morning that it wasn't the right day to ride to work, so the wife and took the ute instead.

    About 5km from work got rear ended by a truck who didn't see that the traffic had stopped. We were ok but the rear end was written off. Could have been so much worse.

    Call it sixth sense, good luck or a coincidence sometimes it just pays to listen.
  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    I work it out by Heat, rain or comfort level, I don't mind the cold, good jacket and gloves sort cold out

    I think if it is raining or hot (36+) it is dangerous

    I also have two cars, they both have aircon
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    People that have had an accident ,(bad or not so bad), will /can, have all sorts of emotions when returning back to riding that they will have to deal with..
    ... But on a different note,, there are days when you just are not in the zone that you know in yourself, you should be when riding a motorcycle ....
    Your attention to detail is just not as sharp as it is 95% of the time when you are riding... I dont think this means you should go straight back to your garage... I think it means, (on days like this),, dont try any heroics, or any maneuvers that are getting up to your normal upper limit of skill ... Its amazing after a short break etc, the planets seem to have aligned ,, confidence returns ,, and your back in the zone ......
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago

    Mark, agree with the taking time bit after having a crash. For me it was 10 years.