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Dyna cranks and farts a lot before starting

  • Darrene
    8 years ago

    2008 Dyna supeglide custom, new battery. Standing voltage 12.7, cranking voltage 10.9, charging voltage 13.9 pronblem i have it takes ages to start, backfires, grinds, cranks and takes a while to start. Once it does it runs sweet but quite embarrasing at servo or the pub and it sounds like a sick dog. Just done the 30k service, new plugs, all the oils but this has me fucked and cant work it oout, been doing it for a while now.

    Any help appreciated and thanx in advance. 

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Doing it before the service? Does it when it's hot or cold or both?
  • Darrene
    8 years ago

    doing it before the service hot and cold, but was showing a mate tonight when cold and fired up straight away, so, i dont know, got me stuffed. 

  • Darrene
    8 years ago

    doing it before the service hot and cold, but was showing a mate tonight when cold and fired up straight away, so, i dont know, got me stuffed. 

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Staring simple, I'd make sure the exhaust and whatnot is done up tight, but I'd be leaning towards ignition timing. Someone on here will probably have a better idea though.
  • Darrene
    8 years ago

    Yweah a mate said that so i will put the dyna jet tuner on tomorrow and check it out cheers.

  • Darrene
    8 years ago

    Yweah a mate said that so i will put the dyna jet tuner on tomorrow and check it out cheers.

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago

    Sounds like my 2007 Street Bob... it's been like that on and off since not long after I bought her new. Happens more if I try and start her in gear with clutch in. Always select neutral now.

    Was told it was the starter clutch, but I'm not so sure.


  • meddy
    8 years ago

    Mate had a similar problem on his 99 Dyna, turned out to be a faulty crank angle sensor.

  • binnsy
    8 years ago
    Compensator ??