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Harleys for sale.

  • Wimbo
    8 years ago

    Can't believe how many Harley's are on the market atm.

    Over 100 Irons, over 100 500' s, over 60 1584 FatBobs, over 60 1690 Fatbobs, close to 100 Breakouts and numerous last 15 years bikes that are under different ID and spelling mistakes.

    All on Bikesales. Seems a great time to buy a bike.

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    Which means that 2nd hand Harleys aren't selling for the prices that people are asking.

    Something has to give, either prices will have to drop or the people will start trading bikes in.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago

    Baloffski I dunno what'll end up happening either but the current situation isn't sustainable.

    You're right people aren't going to give their current bikes away, most people can't afford to.

    But even if the majority hang out for what they're asking then that's going to mean less people buying new bikes from HD which will cause other problems.

    Me I reckon I might hang off until about June next year, when the new 107 tourers have been around for a little while and see how the market ends up.

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Bikesales has 9 pages of CVO's ( of all types ) !

    Sign of the times indeed.

    We can all remember the days of an 18 month wait for a new Harley , with no guarantee of a particular colour !

    Those days are probably gone forever
  • Choco
    8 years ago
    Yep great time for a buyer not so great for a seller. I think my 1993 Heritage Softail will be with me for a very, very, long time, I am sad to say the day of the Harley mystique is over for many.

  • Spook
    8 years ago
    The market has established that Harleys are not the be all and end all of motorcycles. Yes, they have a certain charisma and that's why we own and ride them. I love my Road King, old though she may be, but I also get a lot of enjoyment from my other bikes which are not Harleys.
  • Humbug
    8 years ago
    Have the VLAD laws been a factor in the amount of bikes for sale in Qld?
  • keith
    8 years ago
    Posted By Humbug on 10 Sep 2016 8:35 AM
    Have the VLAD laws been a factor in the amount of bikes for sale in Qld?

     Could be a contributing factor also,I beleve here in the West the downturn in the mining,construction,oil&gas industrys have stopped or slowed the disposable income to purchase and own boys toys ?

    Two or three years ago the finger pointing was at the so called 'Grey Import' of bikes for the flood in the market place,that may have be a small factor IMO.

    All vechicles depresheate and loose value over a period of time, a thing a lot of HD owners can't accept or don't want to know ! If you want to sell your bike, lower the price to meet the demand and market. [Sale's 101, page 1.]

    Its a buyers market.



  • Hudson76
    8 years ago

    Holy chit that guy is dreamin' alright. I wonder what goes on in some peoples inds to think prices like that are in anyway realistic or justified........

    His bike isn't even injected. Just WOW.

  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Just means I'm going to keep riding a bike I love for longer (whether I want to or not).

    I believe matters are generally worse for most other brands but at the same time HD Oz have been selling new bikes hand over fist for a few years now, and with the M8 coming online from this year on there will be even more second hand 103's on the market. I don't really like it but that's life.

    Hopefully I won't get in a position where I need to sell mine quickly. All good, every time I ride her I'm grateful to possess such a great bike that I love.
  • Smokey61
    8 years ago

    30 years ago you could buy a Hogly knowing that there would be minimal depreciation for the first couple of years only, after which they would appreciate in value.
    Around the same time, Harley's became reliable and clean and so, as the masses bought into the legend, the factory started turning out ever greater numbers each year.
    Now it appears we've reached saturation point.
  • Retroman
    8 years ago

    There's no doubt it's the "perfect storm" for used HD prices in Australia

    Bigger production numbers for years as mentioned by kiwidave

    No more minimal depreciation as mentioned by Smokey61

    The end of " the boom" by keith , the "strong" Aussie dollar a couple of years back , new bikes being cheaper now than 8 years ago !

    AND the grey imports of just a couple of years ago ( I know , I have one and I love it !)

    Both Perth HD dealers are CHOKING with used trade ins , some of them VERY nice low K's bikes indeed. A few weeks back Frasers had 8 used CVO's , Softails/Dynas/Tourers

    Frasers Perth used to have an 18 month waiting list , and used Harleys sold privately the first weekend in the Sunday times. Surprisingly Frasers would not "stock" used Harleys for retail , (as they got huge money wholesale !)

    An old associate of mine has just bought from Frasers a one owner low K's 2008 Fatboy , really fancy mag wheels on it , chrome front end , Burleigh bars, quick release sissy bar and rack, "stage 3 kit" and Vance & Hines 2:1 Big radius etc etc etc....

    He paid $18K retail out the door , a real sign of the times. ( The original owner had well over $40K in that bike , and I can well believe that !)

  • boxa
    8 years ago

    Most people just get stupid about what they THINK there bike is worth The dealers or Harley not sure which just got too greedy , they wanted more than the bikes worth and offered fuck all for trades they have killed there own market ,

    Speaking to a guy last week who thinks his 2016 low rider is worth 22 grand ,, he paid 23500 , but reckons his extras . pipes and seat bring the value up ,, he can't see it when i said to him , for 23500 you got 12 months reg , dealer delivery , and gst included , and thats what you pay for the privalige of being the first owner , knock all that off and hen some more because its secondhand and you have the real value ,, he can't see it he actually thinks his bike will be worth more in a few years .

    I said to hiim , your bike is running out of reg , so if i buy it , its 22 grand plus 12 months reg plus stampduty , more than a new one ,, his answer mines got extras ,,, firdst time harley buyer and quotes what the salesman told him about harley resale

  • liberator
    8 years ago

    harley's having a high resale value is a myth, 30 years ago yes, but recent history a definite no ! , if you let the conman salesjerk and his "blank canvas" bullshit get to you, it will cost you another $6k worth of options before the bike leaves the showroom floor, that's $6k the bike didn't need and $6k you will never see again, you have just made your bike harder to sell and will actually devalue resale, the problem with this blank canvas shit is that by cusomising your bike to your taste, is that you are the only one who likes it,

  • boxa
    8 years ago
    CORRECT ... My mate bought the same bike has me we bought within a couiple of days of each other ,, he has customized his , or rather fucked it up .. and if he gave it me i would sell it
  • mick44
    8 years ago
    Reading this thread, I decided to take a look at I havnt looked at second hand bike costs for a few years now. My last new bike I bought is an 08 custom softail and my daily rider still.

    So on bikesales, there's a 08 custom softail, The anniversary model. Only 2700 kays the add said.

    I had to laugh, The bikes not a softail. Its the dyna style with rear upright shocks. has the rear skinny tyre,wheel, not the 200mm tyre, wheel. Doesn't have the bobtail fender , ect. I wouldn't even ride round the corner to look at if that's where it was for sale. Ya gotta laugh.

    But what surprised me was the amount of Harleys for sale with low, very low kms at prices asked, that make them not worth buying. Like the poster above said, you my as well buy a brand new. It still beats me why people buy a new bike just to sell it a year later.
  • mick44
    8 years ago
    I forgot to add, why would someone buy a bike to sell a year later thinking there gunna make money.
    You'd be better off buying 25 or 30 grand worth of gold bullion and selling it when the stock market takes a dive. Least you would make a few guid plus get all your money back.
  • mick44
    8 years ago
    I forgot to add, why would someone buy a bike to sell a year later thinking there gunna make money.
    You'd be better off buying 25 or 30 grand worth of gold bullion and selling it when the stock market takes a dive. Least you would make a few guid plus get all your money back.
  • liberator
    8 years ago

    was gonna comment on a bike i saw on bikesales regarding low k's, all i could remember was it being a 2003, so i went back in to find it before i started running off at the mouth, had to get my facts straight, found it, check out all the bikes in the 2003 year, sort by

    low k's, and there are 7 bikes with less than 2500kms, one of them still brand new, speaking of brand new there's also a '93 heritage softail "moo glide" brand new, also no k's, there must be a lot of people who have a lot of disposable income that's for sure,

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago


    A mate purchased a 2003 Dyna from the US this year and had it shipped over... it had only a couple hundred miles on the clock... total cost including shipping around $A7K.. a sign of the times.

    Market in Oz has been saturated by grey imports... I'm in the market for a Street Glide Special, but I'll be keeping my Street Bob as I would be struggling to get $10K for it. Trade would be $6K...


