Online: baldy1450

Dyna - HD Mid Mount air Deflectors

  • limpn
    8 years ago

    hey guys

    Quick review of the HD mid mount air deflectors / shields

    Part Number - 29200011

    I'm vertically challanged and found i use to burn my nuts on the engine rocker cover... the amount of heat would literally burn my leg through my draggin jeans.. got to the point i hated riding my bike . inside my leg use to rest on the rocker cover .. i put up with this for months dreading summer coming thinking how am i going to ride in the heat with this issue... local harley parts guys were useless told me its a harley thing deal with it...

    one night i was flicking through the harley catalogue can came across the mid mount air deflectors.. did a google search read some reviews and the next day ordered a set from the mong parts guy that told me there was nothing available ( i knew they had to be HD even make toilet paper FFS)

    took about 3 days to get in from HD in melbourne .. total install time approx 25min inbetween beer stops  

    WOW what a differance .. completely different bike best $120 bucks ive spent .. ($120 bit steep for a bit of plastic and mounting tabs)

    No more burning or heat issues at all.. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM.. part number above is for my model check your catalogue for right fitment ..



  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Well done Limpn.

    Always good to hear about these little remedies.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    Interesting... I wonder if they fit my Dyna too, being a Switchback some Dyna stuff doesn't.

    Thanks for the head up Limpn.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    they use the rear tank mounting holes and equipment .. so might be the same ..
    the only slight issue i had was the ABS line runs near the mount and was a bit fiddly to try and move that and not pinch it...
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    I'll ask the guys at the local shop when i get a chance and see what they say.
  • beabt1
    8 years ago
    From one vertically challenged Dyna rider to another, thanks for the lead. Sure beats scorching ya nuts.
  • FXST11
    8 years ago
    I am sure Kuryakyn make these as well. Been out a couple years now.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    yeah its only plastic with a a few little brackets i would think someone aftermarket would produce something...
    just found it funny how the HD dealer has never seen/heard of them..
  • meddy
    8 years ago

    I've seen these on Ebay from the Chinese sellers going for around $25-35, don't know about the quality but being plastic probably not much different.

  • FXST11
    8 years ago
    There was a Lady in the States that made them out of Leather,
  • Methuselah
    8 years ago

    Hey Limpn, just one thought, I noticed looking at the shots of you on the bike in the Dyna page and your legs are really stretched right out.

    Your knee is down level with the top of your heavy breather and you've got a lower seat than mine.

    Have you thought about changing the forward controls to reduced reach forward controls? I have them on mine and find the stretch not as bad, particularly on long rides, it is a lot more comfortable.

    Have a look at how my legs are nearly straight out at the top and my knee is quite a lot higher than yours is


    You can see it pretty clearly from behind. It feels a lot more natural. I've ridden Dynas with normal forward controls and it is the same as when I ride my son's soft tail (which is next to me) with extended reach controls it feels like I'm sitting unaturally.

    The other thing is with the reduced reach I can get motoring along pretty well without feeling like my feet are going to blow off the pedals like they do with normal foward controls where I'm stretched out more  (not on public roads of course wink)

    I have no big issues with engine heat even in the Qld summer. Yeh it does get warm (naturally) but certainly not nut burning warm! Just a thought anyway, you might like being stretched right out, but if you don't it is certainly an option for you to maybe make it better and a bit easier easier.

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    yeah my legs are very stretched out .. i have thought about going back to mid controls but they are way to expensive.. ( i bought the bike with forwards)
    my mechanic is a master with his hands and he is fabricating up some brackets to bring them back about an 1" hope that helps out a bit :)
  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago
    Hey Limpin/Methuselah,
    I had the same problem, overstretched with forward controls, feet blowing off occasionally and poor control while cornering. Couldn't find reduced reach kit for the '03 Dyna. I made mounts which rocked the pegs back towards me by approx 18mm using the original bottom bolt position. The controls had to be adjusted to the right position. It made the bike feel a lot more secure.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    i found HD had a reduced reach forward control set avail but $690 for the kit.. i found a local metal fab block that knocked me up a set of bracket which brought them back an inch . feels heaps better!! cost 120 bucks for him to fab something up.

  • Iron
    8 years ago

    Ive just put the standard forward controls on mine and does make a big difference from the mids. I will need to see if I have to go reduced reach after a long ride but I am 5foot 7 and my knees are slightly bent. The only thing that annoys me now is the screaming eagle air filter I have on the bike rubs the inside of my knee and was thinking if I went to the reduced it will probably raise the knees higher and position it in a worst position it is now on the air filter

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    I Put a HD reduced seat on my bike.. i put it on sat on it in my garage and took it off. never actually rode with it.. just sitting on it in my garage was bloody horrible...