Online: Retroman, tussuck, FONTANA302

Fournale shocks

  • Trainwreck
    8 years ago

    I have a set of fournale magnum shocks on my 2008 Dyna Streetbob. (320mm Part no: MA 09 0018) 

    have a read a few forums here regarding the tassie dealer and would like to know if anyone can recomend a descent bike shop to check them over and reseal and gas if needed.

    I havent riden my bike for 3 years and finally rode it from melbourne to Alice Springs and it bottom out to the point it has worn through all the electricals goin to the rear lights on bike. Will fix electricals , but 1st need to get shocks done..



  • Trainwreck
    8 years ago

    Hey Hilly, 


    cheers mate, they are leaking oil , i will post a few pics in the next few hours. looks like repairs or replacements.

    thanx for the welcome.


  • Trainwreck
    8 years ago

    Hey Hilly, 


    cheers mate, they are leaking oil , i will post a few pics in the next few hours. looks like repairs or replacements.

    thanx for the welcome.


  • cattleprod
    8 years ago

    Hey mate, the fournales are a great shock.

    There is a local guy (Le Frog) i think he either moved to Adelaide or?? Usr Dr. Google, you'll find him, fournale australia etc.

    He will rebuild them for you, which is well worth it.