Online: tussuck


  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    8 years ago

    Have you ridden any others ? They vibe a bit at idle , but smooth out once under way .

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    That's not normal. Engine mounts might need replacing.
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    I'd be wary at this early point. It shouldn't vibrate on the highway.

    Service records are a good starting point. Both independent and dealers should be printing them out.

    Is it coming with a roadworthy? RWC doesn't always mean that it doesn't have any problems through.

    Take the bike to mechanic that you trust and have them go over it for a report. Better to pay now than pay out heaps later.

  • crewman
    8 years ago
    Hi this is a shot in the dark for you to look at . I have a 2014 - 103 cube Switchback . I had a look at the forum for these and people say they are getting viberation and if yo look at the monster standard muffler it has a lot of the muffler behind the mount so there I think is the viberation problem as I had the night stick fitted before the delivery and I can't say that there is a bad viberation at all . You say you have the V & H monster ovals on your ride ! Just have a look at the position of the mount position on the muffler ?? Is there a lot off the muffler after the mount !! I think if you either rubber mount or reposition the mount if possible some way and also rubber mount . The engine mount may be the problem or even part of the problem if it has collapsed ! How many k's and how many times has it been degreased as degreaser and engine oil if spilt while oil changing kills engine mounts .
    Just a way out there idea
    Good luck and safe riding
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    The Ultra Classic's have a different frame and a true dual exhaust system crewman, different issue (and yes my Switchback did exactly what you're talking about until I changed the muffler).
  • crewman
    8 years ago
    Hi It was a out there idea using the Switchback as a example . I know they have different frames bit just thought the muffler set up might be causing the same problem . What ever the issue is you have a lot of followers waiting your outcome . Very interesting I must say.
    Best of luck mate
  • wazza430
    8 years ago

    Check your drive belt tension. Hopefully its a simple fix for you.