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no spark at plugs on early shovel evo

  • evilskulls2673
    8 years ago

    i have 68 shovel with evo . it has dyna S ignition dual coils system i have power at both sides at both front and rear coils .but when kick engine over no spark from plugs. can anyone help me with some info or knowledge about this problem ?   much appreciated.cheers.

  • perthhog
    8 years ago
    Maybe the flints wet lol
  • walka
    8 years ago
    The Fints wet,,,, Your way off it's the Feck
  • tussuck
    8 years ago

    One side of the coil should be +12volts (normally from the Ign circuit) and the other goes to the DynaS which basically turns the earth on and off to create the spark. Sounds like the DynaS may be having a 'moment'. Double check the DynaS wiring would be my starting point.


    You need to put in a link to Wikipedia for the word Shovel as 95% of the forum would have no idea what one

    PS:  I thought it was a wick system as that replaced the earlier flint one.

  • perthhog
    8 years ago
    I have for diffreent shovels in my shed lol, Are the lights blinking on the modul if it's the nose cone type ?
  • evilskulls2673
    8 years ago

    hey thanks for your reply.  The bike was running before with this dyna S dual coils new plugs  . The dyna s module doesnt have any lights on it .  i followed dyna s instruction testing  info .it tells me to connect test light to black wire from module at front cylinder coil-and then ground at engine case then turn over engine over slowly till test light gets brighter but light didnt change seems that module isnt working  as it should.

  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    Thats the right test! triple check that you have +12volts going to the module. Perhaps take a temp feed direct from the +12 terminal on the battery.