Another FREE TO GOOD HOME (or homeless good people)

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Nirvana ride: started a post offering you mob free stuff with a catch...... 
    *The catch......... (Do something nice for someone you don't know) 
     I recived my free up your's sticker today so am giving away same same but differant If you old man flays golf
    3 x LIFETIME GOLF BALL MARKER 1 each just PM me your address I will send out free ( photo below )
    Just go onto eBay and search LIFETIME GOLF BALL MARKER  to see a short video. I made them invented them and market and sell my self world wide, It is a ball marker that fits into a hole in the putter grip were it can never be lost or forgoten. Its never been done before and the world seems to love it retail $9.00 
    Happy fathers day and again   Thanks: Nirvana ride

    I'm in S.A but will post it to ya free...... although I am trying to move into a house next door to bobby bob ( in house joke )
    *The catch......... (Do something nice for someone you don't know)