Online: Hilly, Ultramick

HD brand Supertuner pro worries

  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    The term BACKUP to USB should be step 1 in the instructions!
  • Stevef
    8 years ago
    Just spoke to my dealer yesturday and he assured me that they would still be tuning with the SERT PRO. Said it's just a case of Harley not supporting the product anymore. Word around the industry is that ALL American made race tuners with go the way of the SERT with the US EPA having them all in their sights. He rekoned that those with tuners already will be the lucky ones because within 12 months you may not be able to get one........So there ya go. Personally I think those US EPA guys should all get in their Prius's and drive off a fucking cliff, that would do more for the environment than anything else. The amount of hot air and methane those vegan nancy boy muppets expell from the arses would but a Brahman bull to shame!
  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    Nice one bro.
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    "Personally I think those US EPA guys should all get in their Prius's and drive off a fucking cliff, that would do more for the environment than anything else."

    Won't find too many folks arguing with you on that score Stevef! ??

    After reading all this, I will be having a good chat with my dealer, as well as making a back up. Cheers.

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Strange ? If you've updated today to v10.000.0000etc then why does it state again " 30 days since update...." ?

    Version 8 should keep working for you if you follow the steps mentioned earlier. that's on ANOTHER laptop you say ?
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Ok to get around the 30 day update lockout all you need to do is open the “lastupdate.txt” file located in “program files\super tuner\delphi\applications” and edit to change the date.

    Watch out for US date V Aussie date , just in case !

    You could be right Re the furtive "Street tuner only" move.

    I've not yet been game to try updating my youngest laptop to version 10.000.000 , I'm onto that next week.

    Most of the bikes I work on are actually pre 2015 ( ie up to 2014 and OUT OF WARRANTY ) so I use another laptop for them , no forced update required )
  • Retroman
    8 years ago

    I updated my main tuning laptop to version 10.000.000..blah blah just today.

    All seemed smooth enough , although it did take a looooong time to update ?

    lastupdate.text seemed to work OK , and still seems to be there for me ??

    AND it's in "Aussie date" format , ie 8/10/2016 , not US format 10/8/2016 !!

    I have still to connect it to a bike tho' , that will be the "acid test"

    My previous tuning files ( many many of them !) seem to still be there , even although I have them on USB alrady

    Graphics are well different , but I knew that already from having updated my desktop previously and explored the newer setup.

  • Methuselah
    8 years ago
    I read somewhere on the weekend that the Californian government has a bill on the table that will allow the banning of all modifications on vehicles that effect the standard emission output, not only for gasses but noise as well. If that goes through imagine how many people who work in the aftermarket performance industry will be out of business and out of work.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    hey guys

    went in and seen my Mechanic yesterday he plugged in the the HD tuner to the his laptop on another customers stage 3 wide glide...
    it completely wiped his tune , and downloaded a stock map.. he tried to copy and paste the old file over as stated in this post but every time he did it the files will just delete ...
    now this bloke with a stage 3 has a stock map on it and of course its running like a bitch...
    should i start looking for aftermarket tuner???
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    A bit of a worry to hear that limpn..

    I'll be trying this coming weekend on my own 2013 CVO Breakout , always the "test bed bike"

    I'll find out then how it goes..I have 2 different "Dyno" tunes to try , and that will tell me.

    If it reverts to stock by default ( which is what you have described !!) then thankfully I have another laptop that has up to and including 2013 calibrations.

    On that level it "asks/suggests" you update but does not force the issue upon you. Same 2 Dyno tunes on that laptop also so I should be allright I hope !

  • groover
    8 years ago

    Forgive me for my ignorance, but if the new Tuners have the AFR disabled, why would you fit one?

    Won't they run too lean if the mufflers and air filter is changed?


  • limpn
    8 years ago
    well last night we connected my bike up to adjust the idle.. well i lost my map..... spent the a decent few hours trying to get it going..
    got it running perfect but now on decel its poping like crazy.. cant seem to adjust that out of the bike now... i think a trip to a dyno tuner is now the way to go
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    when connected to computer it wiped my map and put a stock map on..