Chasing power, what's next?

  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago

    As the title suggests, I'm wondering what's next for the street Bob. 

    Specs are in my sig. I'd like to bump up the hp and torque a little bit. For no other reason than there is never enough. Quite happy with how the bike rides but a bit more wouldn't go astray. 

    What would be the next way to go? What could be holding the bike back? 

    I'm thinking of new 2 into 1 pipe, bassani, TBR or D&D bobcat. Would this help with power over the standard header and v&h slip on? And does anyone have any experience with any of these pipes? 

    I'm interested to hear from some of the highly knowledgeable blokes on this site. 


  • srd0060
    8 years ago
    Change the exhaust, two into one are good they say.... Revzilla has some good reviews on YouTube. The street bobs looks good with the low bars off the Breakout.
  • Daggs
    8 years ago

    Something mustn't be quite right with it, I get more from little 106 and with lower compression.

    I run a Bobcat and am very happy with it.
    Where was it dyno tuned?

    What head work has been done to it?


  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago

    I have noticed a few "smaller" builds making more power daggs, that's what got me wondering where I could be losing some power. 

    It was tuned at A known shop in Adelaide. The combo was built by the previous owner so I'm not 100% sure on all the specs but I believe it's just the R&R cycles stage 5 heads. Not sure if they have been touched or not. 


    Thanks for the reply 

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Get it down to neville lush at victor harbor.
    Best dyno tuner around.
    Ring him first to get his thoughts on it and run with that.
  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    Was this a 120R engine or is it an S&S 120 engine? A 120R has .035" MORE lift on the cam and a larger throttle body for a start. And they do not have a different ECU. One needs to compare apples with apples. 11:1 is plenty for 625 cams... See what size piece of tube/rod/dowell you can fit up inside the exhaust muffler, the V&H slip ons can be a little small. Cheers Nev
  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago

    Thanks for the replies boys. Have looked at a vrod but I really like this one so keen to just see what I can do with it.

    The 120 is an R&R cycles kit. 55mm throttle body being used. I'll see what i can find out about the mufflers. 


  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago
    You thought of turbo, nos, supercharging?
  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    The I'D of the spiral baffles is what you need to measure.
  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago

    The ID is somewhere between 32 - 34mm. 

    Would this be causing any grief? Iv heard that these engines like a bit of back pressure but would this be a bit to much?? 

  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    So you have a 41mm ID header and then a 33? mm plug on the end of it.
  • limpn
    8 years ago


    HD Forums Australia - IMG_3912.JPG

  • fatbat
    8 years ago

  • Hoodeng
    8 years ago
    A picture of a turbo bike and a picture of someone being told he may have tendency's ,what's your input guys?
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    I was referencing the baffle not anyone's tendencies
  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago
    I'm not to sure about you guys ???? your all a bunch of weirdos!

    On a serious note, after talking to lushy on the phone, he seems to have picked out a few things that we will need to work on and hopefully get this engine to reach its full potential.

    Thanks for sharing some of your knowledge lush!
  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    told ya !
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Good stuff sounds like you're on the right track to getting it sorted
  • DJP_120ci
    8 years ago
    Just for anyone that may be interested.

    After a 900+km round trip, lushy modifying my exhaust and retuning my scooter we picked up around 11hp and 12 of torque. Up to 125/135

    There is more in this engine to be had, if I'm willing to spend the money, so time will tell if we stay here or if we push it a bit further.

    After the initial test ride from the workshop the bike seems stronger and smoother everywhere.

    The man knows what he is talking about and how to get results. Anyone in the area looking for some work should be giving lushy a call.

    Cheers Dylan