Online: Far Canal

Flat Battery

  • srd0060
    8 years ago

    Hi all,

    I purchased a New 883 iron in March this year a week after my mate got his Breakout, my battery is flat with in a week if not ridden or put on the tender, his has sat for 4months with out a charger or starting and I walk out there to start if for him and fires straight up. Is my battery u/s, not big enough or does the alarm drain it?

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    new bike ...warranty...trip to the dealer it seems.
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    My new 2016 breakout done the same, rang RAA the bloke tryed to jump start and could not { recons moter was to big for jump start } had to call harley road side assist and arrange for lift to hog shop. Hog shop after back and forth ballshit say you have to buy a trickel charger end of story.... 


    I posted the same as you after this happend .......spides666 gave me this answer: 

    Oh boy don't get me on the subject!!!! You can see my horror story, if you can call it that in the Softail part of this forum. 

    I have a Breakout, had it for about a year. Went on a three week trip to the US, came back, bike wouldnt' start. My shitty Corolla started up straight away. 

    Ever since then it struggles to start. I ended up buying a trickle charger which is a pain in the arse. 

    Harley dealer reckons my 25 kms a day five days a week is not even close to charging the battery so he reckons I have to hook it up to trickle charge when it's at home...........period 

    Had two sportsters and never had this issue, I know the Breakout has to do more work to fire up. 

    Had the Harley dealer test my battery twice and they can find no issues........... 

    fucking thing struggled to start again this morning!!!!


  • robnicko
    8 years ago
    get a new battery & put it on a charger (low amp) for a couple of days before installing in the bike

    The first initial charge after the battery has the fluid put into it is the most important factor in batteries and its possible the original battery never had enough initial charge before being installed in the bike.

    Might also pay to remove the battery and check the fluid levels in it. Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity

    +1 on the tender.
  • Drac
    8 years ago
    Battery should be AGM and which has no fluid to check.
    I keep mine on a ctek charger most of the time when parked.
  • Spook
    8 years ago

    Post deleted. Might upset the troops.

  • limpn
    8 years ago
    had the same issue.. i was getting a ERROR CODE VINERROR and wouldn't fire.. placed a new battery in and started right up.. i went for a bigger cca unsure what tho
  • perthhog
    8 years ago
    As I've said before in other posts ssb of flebay 425cca agm glass mat main free just brought
    One for my 2nd softail Of 4wd extreme I think it was $150.00 to my door put my trickle charger
    On for a night but said it was fully charged any way these are a great battery ,better than the deka grays
    Which are only 325cca And the ones I've had and seen seem to be over rated big time never had a issue
    With a gen Harley one though If you where to pull the label of the ssb you would swear it's a hd one with out
    The logo
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    One thing I cant whinge about is my battery.

    Bought my bike in 08, battery still fine!. Lots of other stuff has gone wrong but the battery is one dependable unit. Been wondering if I should do a "pre emptive strike" and change it before it shits itself for a couple of years now.

    Did start using a tender after the first couple of years.

  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    Good thread!... My FXR needs a new battery and I got some good ideas from here. The Dealer wants about $150 for their one while that SSB on eBay is $150 also, BUT has a truckload more CCA rating.
  • srd0060
    8 years ago
    So I have taken my bike in to a HD dealer in Sydney and was told that they will need it for the day to load test the battery and charge circuit.. Checking the charge circuit should take 5 mins and I didn't think a load test should need to happen if it's charging just replace the battery and send the customer on their way..
  • srd0060
    8 years ago

    So I have taken my bike in to a HD dealer in Sydney and was told that they will need it for the day to load test the battery and test the charge circuit.. Checking the charge circuit should take 5 mins and I didn't think a load test should need to happen if it's charging just replace the battery and send the customer on their way..

  • srd0060
    8 years ago
    It's been a while, I put up with the battery going flat if left longer than 3-4 days with out riding so I replace the battery with a SSB and it can sit around now for over a week and no issues... HD battery would never charge..