Online: Hilly, Ultramick

Drag Bars Instal

  • Monstarr
    8 years ago
    So I got my drag bars put on while the bike was in getting a RWC. Didn't bother changing the cables. They did a good job of routing the stock cables. I think I will change the brake line in the future. That S kink for me is a concern.
  • Monstarr
    8 years ago


    Where did you find the leak in the clutch cable? I found one right down the bottom   . Very slight slit and the leak is more of a weep but enough concern to change it. My theory is the extra length cable meant when I bottomed out on a few speed bumps may caused it. 

    So I'm organising a new one since I have no choice. While I'm at it I'll get a shorter cable. 

    From what I have found I need to get 4" shorter than stock. So I believe stock is 58" and I'll need a 54". Anyone care to confirm this is right or wrong?

  • Howard
    8 years ago
    Hi mate,

    Oil leak/weep was from clutch cable where it enters the housing, drips to the bottom because of gravity, but not too sure whether its from the top of the seal or bottom, all I know is it leaks and if you see my photo number six its obvious why. Its at a shit angle and yes does act as a safety issue. I posted the part number earlier - see copy below. Change the thing. As also posted changed to correct length braid lines and they now look good and work great, left the throttle cables, but will probably change soon.



    Hi again,

    As I said oil leak from clutch cable, dealer replaced it with same and started leaking again as the angle it goes inis too sharp so eventually flogs the bush out (see my pics and you will know what I mean). Clutch works fine and only a bit of oil in the garage, but for $100 get it right and save the dramas from the missus. Part number is 37200056 for the Diamondback and 3720008A for the Diamond Black which I got. Agree with Walka the throttle and brake lines look a bit too long, but as changed to braided lines at a better length not too bothered about the accelerator cables.

