Online: paulybronco, Hilly

I hate FOBS

  • Jersey
    8 years ago

    Anyone else done this.

    Out to garage, get helmeted up, start bike and go to work.  After work go out to bike and no key FOB to be found.  Fuck;  Back into office and look for it.  Cant find the fucker anywhere.  Back outside and check bags and everywhere again.  Back inside and check fucking office again.  Call mrs and ask her to bring my extra FOB.  Typical response had my blood boiling.  How inconvenient for her.  I proceed to lose the plot and yell and she yells back.  Fuck.  Anyway, She brings FOB to me.  While Im waiting it dawns on me.  Put keys down to get suited up when I left this morning.  Got on bike and rode away.  The keys were close enough to let me start bike and assume I had them with me.  Fuck.  Sure as shit get home and there they are just sitting there in garage like nothing ever happened.  Fuck.

  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago
    What a cunnava design. That'd piss me off too. I'm surprised the alarm doesn't go off as you drive away.
  • careyman
    8 years ago
    Gets up at 4am to ride to work one morning, gears up locks up house goes out back and pushes bike to side of house (i am that awesome neighbor that doesnt wake the baby next door), goes to start bike and bike battery is flat.... goes inside gets in norm clothes wakes wife,, take me to work... etc etc,,,,,, next day riding to work at 4am...(after charging bike) gears up, locks up house goes to move bike and alarms..... FUCKING FOB FLAT..... goes back inside etcetc .... yes i hate them too
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    How many times did you say FUCK that day Jersey? I am fairly absent minded too but I don't have a Fucked system like that . My bike uses 2 keys to lose or keep in your pocket
  • Jersey
    8 years ago

    A Fucking Lot Beagle !  Keep your system.  Second time the HD security and FOB setup has fucked me up.  I was the one that had to get towed when my bike thought it was being stolen when I kicked it into neutral coasting down a hill. Long story.  Wont go over again.  Fuck.

  • Nomada
    8 years ago

    Haven'tdone it yet.

    FOB and keys get clipped to a belt loop and a carry a "How to override alarm" card.

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago

    I got stranded at a servo in Bendigo and I didn't have my phone on me.

    Luckily another guy on a Harley pulled up and let me use his mobile (thanks if you're reading this!) and the fob was brought to me.

    Time passes very slowly when you're standing next to a non moving bike in a busy multi lane servo and people are pulling up behind you, expecting you to move (which you can't) and then driving around you (creating traffic chaos).

  • Makanic
    8 years ago
    2003 No Fob :( and i keep the key clipped on a wallet Chain always ..local locksmith Knows me by my First name many visits with other Bike and car Barrels
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Hope you apologised to your Missus and purchased a quality bottle of red (above $20, not in a cardboard box) as a sign of your appreciation...
  • mutley
    8 years ago
    Just a touch of humor here

    How can you hate or blame the fob it didn't run away or hid YOU forgot to pick it up and then blame the poor innocent fob it's probly feeling very unloved now and still doing its job anyway
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago

    reading this has made my day... thanks guys

  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago

    Twice I had my Sporty not recognize the FOB due to radio interference (usually near mobile phone towers).. absolute bastard of a thing and not much you can do about it.
    You cant push the bloody thing to where it will work because the alarm goes off so you sort of strt doing a little dance holding it at different angles, under the bike, above the bike, at 37.3' to the bike at the front at the back.. People looking at you strangely.

  • mutley
    8 years ago
    ok ok I tried on the fobs behalf but if you don't like em the way to fix it is getto the fuses make sure your alarm is of and take the alarm fuse out and the fob is unemployed
    or you can put and earlyier tssm in and have the luxury of being a push button fob
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    I am a tad ambivalent about the fobs. Obviously they were made to increase your bikes security however they do seem to have some shortcomings. A F A I K they came out in 2007-08 in which case I have the one of the early ones and maybe they are updated and improved on each year according to customer feedback (just like pigs fly), I don't know.
    I don't care that the battery goes flat in them, battery lasts a few years and you gotta change batteries just like a smoke alarm etc.
    What I don't like is that without the fob within a certain radius of your bike (Lets say 6 meters) your bike wont start and your alarm will go off. That's ok I accept that, BUT if you jump on your started bike and your fob falls out of your pocket in the process you can ride your bike 300 fricken kilometers with no issue and no fob untill you have stop , re-fuel and guess are fucked 300klm from where you dropped your fob.
    Surely a better design would have been if you drop your fob and have travelled more than 6 meters your bike stops dead, or an alarm sounds, or something to stop you riding merrily away to a cunt of a situation 300klm away by which time some other fucker has found your fob and done fuck knows what with it.

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    so...fob off then.
    technology is good when it works, but pita when it all goes pear shaped
  • mick44
    8 years ago
    On my 2008 bike, I can simple enter in the numbers on the speedo using the blinkers to start the bike. And you can use it for an unlimited time. Pain in the but I practised it a few times when I bought the bike and the numbers I coded in are numbers I wont likely forget. Had to use it a few times over the years like when leaving fob in daughters car.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago

    Never had a problem in 10 years... I have one jacket and one vest, FOB's reside permanently in each. Used to have problem with key being required for ignition in head stem... that's now on tank where it should be.
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    I have carried 2 or 3 spare fob batteries for a few years now , using them mostly on mate's bikes while out on a run ( as you do !)

    CR2032 the number is from memory.

    Just as well I had them as we were many K's from home on each occasion.

    I do believe that "removing" the security system is a real PITA , so we all have just learned to live with it since 2007 ( when it became "standard" or Aussie spec required ) on all new Harleys sold in Australia.

    Most of the used yank imports DO NOT have the security system , so there you go !

    I've told the story before now , but a mate left Perth on his Streetglide and let his son in law ride his 2008 V Rod , rode south almost to Margaret river , stopped for fuel @ 250 K's , V Rod alarm going off after he had paid for the fuel.

    Fob had come off the V Rod bars while leaving his street no doubt ! He was VERY impressed with the son in law ( NOT !) as he had a 500+ K's round trip to get the spare V Rod fob.

    And he did not know the "code" as the V Rod had come 2nd hand from Qld...

    I learned from that little adventure !
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Gentleman ,, I think the moral of the story ,, (regarding that little fucker called a FOB), is, go to your friendly dealer, (or someone that knows),, and go through the procedure of setting your security pin and how to activate it , if and when your fob does a disappearing act !!!!! I know it is all in the owners manual ,, but if and when that little fucker does do a disappearing act , (or a the fob battery dies),, you will have a good idea what to do , instead of pulling your hair out , with flashing turn signals and the siren go off and looking like a dick ....
  • Humbug
    8 years ago
    I have lost two fobs since 2010,but each time it was not until I got home that I realise that they have fallen out of jeans or jacket pocket. I now have a lanyard on my belt,pants on fob on lanyard then off I go never lost a key since the lanyard has been on the belt.
